scala - 蛋糕图案和类型

标签 scala types cake-pattern

def someA(在 trait B 中)如何使用具有相同 C#MyTypetrait A在 B 中? (然后A#MyType =:= B#MyType)

trait C {
  type MyType

trait A {
  self: C =>
  def doSomething(s: MyType) { println(s.toString)}

trait B {
  self: C =>  

  def someA: A
  def myType: MyType

  def action = someA.doSomething(myType)

// Mix part

case class Ahoy(value: String)

trait ConcreteC extends C {  
  type MyType = Ahoy

class PieceOfCake extends B with ConcreteC {
  val someA = new A with ConcreteC
  val myType = Ahoy("MyType")



[error]  found   : B.this.MyType
[error]  required: _1.MyType where val _1: A
[error]   def action = someA.doSomething(myType))


您可以声明 doSomethingmyType 以使用 MyType 的路径独立版本,SomeType#MyType:

trait SomeType {
  type MyType

trait A {
  self: SomeType =>
  def doSomething(s: SomeType#MyType) { println(s.toString)}

trait B {
  self: SomeType =>  

  def someA: A
  def myType: SomeType#MyType

  def action = someA.doSomething(myType)

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