php - 依赖注入(inject)容器 PHP

标签 php dependency-injection frameworks ioc-container

我最近了解了在 PHP 应用程序中使用依赖注入(inject) (DI) 的优势。



来自 Zend 2 的容器。我知道容器使类动态化,他不必从一开始就知道它们,他检查他的注册表中是否已经有该类,如果没有,他检查是否有类存在以及构造函数内部有哪些参数并将其放入自己的注册表中,以便下次可以从那里获取它,实用的是动态执行所有操作,并且它正在完成自己的注册表,因此一旦我们实现,我们就不必关心任何事情容器,因为他可以提供我们想要的任何类,即使我们只是创建该类。

另外,如果我想为 A 获取实例,而 A 需要 B,B 需要 C,我知道他会递归执行此操作,然后实例化 C,然后实例化 B,最后实例化 A。



您可能最好使用现有的依赖项容器之一,例如 PHP-DI 或 Pimple。但是,如果您正在寻找更简单的解决方案,那么我已经实现了一个依赖项容器,作为我在此处编写的文章的一部分:


    class Container implements \DecoupledApp\Interfaces\Container\ContainerInterface 
     * This function resolves the constructor arguments and creates an object
     * @param string $dataType
     * @return mixed An object
    private function createObject($dataType)
        if(!class_exists($dataType)) {
            throw new \Exception("$dataType class does not exist");
        $reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($dataType);
        $constructor = $reflectionClass->getConstructor();
        $args = null;
        $obj = null;
        if($constructor !== null)
            $block = new \phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock($constructor);

            $tags = $block->getTagsByName("param");
            if(count($tags) > 0)
                $args = array();
            foreach($tags as $tag)
                //resolve constructor parameters
                $args[] = $this->resolve($tag->getType());
        if($args !== null)
            $obj = $reflectionClass->newInstanceArgs($args);
            $obj = $reflectionClass->newInstanceArgs();

        return $obj;

     * Resolves the properities that have a type that is registered with the Container. 
     * @param mixed $obj
    private function resolveProperties(&$obj)
        $reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass(get_class($obj));
        $props = $reflectionClass->getProperties();
        foreach($props as $prop)
            $block = new \phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock($prop);

            //This assumes that there is only one "var" tag.
            //If there are more than one, then only the first one will be considered.
            $tags = $block->getTagsByName("var");
                $value = $this->resolve($tags[0]->getType());

                if($value !== null)
                    if($prop->isPublic()) {
                        $prop->setValue($obj, $value);
                    } else {
                        $setter = "set".ucfirst($prop->name);
                        if($reflectionClass->hasMethod($setter)) {
                            $rmeth = $reflectionClass->getMethod($setter);
                                $rmeth->invoke($obj, $value);

     * @param string $dataType
     * @return object|NULL If the $dataType is registered, the this function creates the corresponding object and returns it;
     * otherwise, this function returns null
    public function resolve($dataType) 
        $dataType = trim($dataType, "\\");
        $obj = null;
            //TODO: check if the class exists
            $className = $this->singletonRegistry[$dataType];
            $obj = $className::getInstance();
        else if(isset($this->closureRegistry[$dataType]))
            $obj = $this->closureRegistry[$dataType]();
        else if(isset($this->typeRegistry[$dataType])) 
            $obj = $this->createObject($this->typeRegistry[$dataType]);

        if($obj !== null) 
            //Now we need to resolve the object properties
        return $obj;

     * @see \DecoupledApp\Interfaces\Container\ContainerInterface::make()
    public function make($dataType)
        $obj = $this->createObject($dataType);
        return $obj;

     * @param Array $singletonRegistry
     * @param Array $typeRegistry
     * @param Array $closureRegistry
    public function __construct($singletonRegistry, $typeRegistry, $closureRegistry) 
        $this->singletonRegistry = $singletonRegistry;
        $this->typeRegistry = $typeRegistry;
        $this->closureRegistry = $closureRegistry;

     * An array that stores the mappings of an interface to a concrete singleton class. 
     * The key/value pair corresond to the interface name/class name pair.
     * The interface and class names are all fully qualified (i.e., include the namespaces).
     * @var Array
    private $singletonRegistry;

     * An array that stores the mappings of an interface to a concrete class. 
     * The key/value pair corresond to the interface name/class name pair.
     * The interface and class names are all fully qualified (i.e., include the namespaces).
     * @var Array
    private $typeRegistry;

     * An array that stores the mappings of an interface to a closure that is used to create and return the concrete object.
     * The key/value pair corresond to the interface name/class name pair.
     * The interface and class names are all fully qualified (i.e., include the namespaces).
     * @var Array
    private $closureRegistry;


上面的代码可以在这里找到: (在/Container文件夹下)

您可以将依赖项注册为单例、类型(每次实例化新对象时)或闭包(容器将调用您注册的函数,并且该函数预计返回实例) .


$singletonRegistry = array();
$singletonRegistry["DecoupledApp\\Interfaces\\UnitOfWork\\UnitOfWorkInterface"] =

$typeRegistry = array();
$typeRegistry["DecoupledApp\\Interfaces\\DataModel\\Entities\\UserInterface"] = 

$closureRegistry = array();
$closureRegistry["DecoupledApp\\Interfaces\\DataModel\\Repositories\\UserRepositoryInterface"] = 
    function() {
        global $entityManager;
        return $entityManager->getRepository("\\DecoupledApp\\DataModel\\Entities\\User");

$container = new \DecoupledApp\Container\Container($singletonRegistry, $typeRegistry, $closureRegistry);


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