Brunch 配置文件 : what is the difference between exports. config 和 module.exports = config?

标签 brunch

在 Brunch 网站的指南中,他们按照以下方式启动配置文件 module.exports = config:,但是您可以在同一网站上找到的大多数框架使用另一种语法 导出.config = .

它们有什么区别?都是 javascript CommonJS 模块吗?


我直接查看了文档:module node documentation 。我一开始就应该做的事情:)

The exports variable that is available within a module starts as a reference to module.exports. As with any variable, if you assign a new value to it, it is no longer bound to the previous value.

If you want the root of your module's export to be a function (such as a constructor) or if you want to export a complete object in one assignment instead of building it one property at a time, assign it to module.exports instead of exports.


As a guideline, if the relationship between exports and module.exports seems like magic to you, ignore exports and only use module.exports.


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