r - 使用 R 将类 ‘tbl_df’ 、 ‘tbl’ 和 'data.frame 转换为数据帧

标签 r dplyr


> str(gaDataExt)
Classes ‘tbl_df’, ‘tbl’ and 'data.frame':   2 obs. of  5 variables:
 $ date          : POSIXct, format: "2016-05-24" "2016-05-31"
 $ deviceCategory: chr  "desktop" "desktop"
  $ users         : int  1 2
  $ sessions      : int  1 2
  $ pageviews     : int  11 85
  - attr(*, "profileInfo")=List of 6
   ..$ profileId            : chr "25439551"
   ..$ accountId            : chr "12543305"
   ..$ webPropertyId        : chr "UA-12543305-1"
   ..$ internalWebPropertyId: chr "26790206"
   ..$ profileName          : chr "www.ciao.ch"
   ..$ tableId              : chr "ga:25439551"
  - attr(*, "query")=List of 8
   ..$ start.date : chr "30daysAgo"
   ..$ end.date   : chr "yesterday"
   ..$ profileId  : chr "ga:25439551"
   ..$ dimensions : chr "ga:date,ga:deviceCategory"
   ..$ metrics    : chr  "ga:users" "ga:sessions" "ga:pageviews"
   ..$ segment    : chr "sessions::condition::ga:pagePath=@/f            /relations     /questions_reponses-best_of/;sessions::condition::ga:pagePath=@/f/manger-bouger/q"| __truncated__

   ..$ start.index: int 1
   ..$ max.results: int 10000
  - attr(*, "sampled")= logi FALSE

我想用 ggplot2 画图,但无法访问 $segment 中的数据? 是否可以转换为数据框?


df = as.data.frame(gaDataExt)


关于r - 使用 R 将类 ‘tbl_df’ 、 ‘tbl’ 和 'data.frame 转换为数据帧,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37594411/


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