r - 过滤 R data.frames 时更新因子水平

标签 r dataframe r-factor


我可以看到我下面所做的并不理想。修改 data.frame 时如何更新因子水平?下面是出现问题的演示。

# generate data
df <- data.frame(site = sample(c("A","B","C"), 50, replace = TRUE),
                 currency = sample(c("USD", "EUR", "GBP", "CNY", "CHF"),50, replace=TRUE, prob=c(10,6,5,6,0.5)),
                 value = ceiling(rnorm(50)*10))

# check counts to see there is one entry where currency =  CHF
count(df, vars="currency")

>currency freq
>1      CHF    1
>2      CNY   13
>3      EUR   16
>4      GBP    6
>5      USD   14

# filter out all entires where site = A, i.e. take subset of df
df <- df[!(df$site=="A"),]

# check counts again to see how this affected the currency frequencies
count(df, vars="currency")

>currency freq
>1      CNY   10
>2      EUR    8
>3      GBP    4
>4      USD   10

# But, the filtered data.frame's levels have not been updated:

>[1] "CHF" "CNY" "EUR" "GBP" "USD"


>[1] "A" "B" "C"


# levels(df$currency) = "CNY" "EUR" "GBP" "USD
# levels(df$site) = "B" "C"



> df <- droplevels(df)
> levels(df$currency)
[1] "CNY" "EUR" "GBP" "USD"
> levels(df$site)
[1] "B" "C"

关于r - 过滤 R data.frames 时更新因子水平,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20499613/


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