android - 使用 Fragment Pager Adapter 时,getItem() 方法被调用两次

标签 android

我正在使用 fragment 寻呼机适配器来实例化我的 fragment 类。我能够这样做,但我的问题是我的 getItem() 方法被调用了两次,这进一步造成了问题。你能解释一下为什么会这样吗.

    package com.creatiosoft.rssfeed.adaptor;

    import android.content.Context;
    import android.util.Log;

    import com.creatiosoft.rssfeed.utils.RssItem;
    import com.viewpagerindicator.IconPagerAdapter;

    public class NewsFeedsAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter implements
            IconPagerAdapter {

        int[] icon = null;
        String[] content = null;
        String[] URLs = null;
        Context cont;

        public NewsFeedsAdapter(FragmentManager fm, Context context) {
            Log.i("jk", "constructor");
            this.cont = context;
            RssItem newsFeedAppliaction = (RssItem) cont;
             * Retrieving the values of the Icons and contents from the application
             * class in utils package
            icon = newsFeedAppliaction.getICONS();
            content = newsFeedAppliaction.getCONTENT();
            URLs = newsFeedAppliaction.getURL();


        /** instantiate a new fragment class */
        public Fragment getItem(int position) {
            Log.i("yt", "hello" + position);
            return TestFragment.newInstance(position % content.length, cont);

        public CharSequence getPageTitle(int position) {
            return content[position % content.length].toUpperCase();

        public int getIconResId(int index) {
            return icon[index];

        /** return the no of views on the basis of array items */
        public int getCount() {

            Log.i("hi", "length" + content.length);
            return content.length;


NewsFeedsAdapter adapter = new NewsFeedsAdapter(
                getSupportFragmentManager(), getApplicationContext());
         * get the id of the view pager declared in the xml resource and set the
         * adaptor on the view pager
        ViewPager pager = (ViewPager) findViewById(;

         * Tab page indicator class is used to indicate the tabs and is accessed
         * from the library class
        TabPageIndicator indicator = (TabPageIndicator) findViewById(;


请注意,寻呼机至少保持一页领先。这意味着当创建分页器时,他至少创建两个页面 - 他显示的页面和下一个页面,以便允许“分页”。

关于android - 使用 Fragment Pager Adapter 时,getItem() 方法被调用两次,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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