java - 当数据库关闭时阻止工作线程的最佳同步策略

标签 java multithreading


我正在考虑这样的界面。您将使用什么同步原语? Actor 将是一个很好的解决方案,但我没有时间重写。

public interface Latch {

     * This method will cause a thread(s) to only advance if the latch is in an open state. If the
     * latch is closed the thread(s) will wait until the latch is open before they can advance.
    void advanceWhenOpen();

     * Close the latch forcing all threads that reaches the latch's advance method to wait until
     * its open again.
    void close();

     * Opens the latch allowing blocked threads to advance.
    void open();

    boolean isOpen();



但是您可以在后台使用 CountDownLatch 对象 - 每当您的“Latch”需要关闭时,您就可以创建一个新的 CountDownLatch 对象,其计数为 1 并在 advanceWhenOpen() 中启用 wait()。我认为从可读性的角度来看,这将是最好的解决方案。

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