r - 删除 R 图中的顶点标签

标签 r plot igraph

我正在开发一个小项目,涉及查找图形的社区结构和绘图。我使用 label.propagation.community 算法进行社区检测,并使用以下代码行进行绘图:

plot(community_1, graph_1)

它按预期工作,给出以下情节。 enter image description here



对于像我这样在 igraph 图的属性深入研究时偶然发现这一点的人,可在此处找到 igraph 图中可用的 graph 属性的完整列表:http://kateto.net/networks-r-igraph

在第 5.1 节中,您会发现:

5.1 Plotting parameters


vertex.color Node color

vertex.frame.color Node border color

vertex.shape One of “none”, “circle”, “square”, “csquare”, “rectangle”

“crectangle”, “vrectangle”, “pie”, “raster”, or “sphere” vertex.size Size of the node (default is 15) vertex.size2 The second size of the node (e.g. for a rectangle)

vertex.label Character vector used to label the nodes

vertex.label.family Font family of the label (e.g.“Times”, “Helvetica”)

vertex.label.font Font: 1 plain, 2 bold, 3, italic, 4 bold italic, 5 symbol

vertex.label.cex Font size (multiplication factor, device-dependent)

vertex.label.dist Distance between the label and the vertex

vertex.label.degree The position of the label in relation to the vertex, where 0 right, “pi” is left, “pi/2” is below, and “-pi/2” is above


edge.color Edge color

edge.width Edge width, defaults to 1

edge.arrow.size Arrow size, defaults to 1

edge.arrow.width Arrow width, defaults to 1

edge.lty Line type, could be 0 or “blank”, 1 or “solid”, 2 or “dashed”, 3 or “dotted”, 4 or “dotdash”, 5 or “longdash”, 6 or “twodash”

edge.label Character vector used to label edges

edge.label.family Font family of the label (e.g.“Times”, “Helvetica”)

edge.label.font Font: 1 plain, 2 bold, 3, italic, 4 bold italic, 5 symbol

edge.label.cex Font size for edge labels

edge.curved Edge curvature, range 0-1 (FALSE sets it to 0, TRUE to 0.5)

arrow.mode Vector specifying whether edges should have arrows, possible values: 0 no arrow, 1 back, 2 forward, 3 both


margin Empty space margins around the plot, vector with length 4

frame if TRUE, the plot will be framed

main If set, adds a title to the plot

sub If set, adds a subtitle to the plot

由此,正如 @VincentGuillemot 所指出的,您可以使用 vertex.label 参数来操作节点标签。


plot(community_1, graph_1, vertex.label=NA)

关于r - 删除 R 图中的顶点标签,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36976868/


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