c++ - unique_ptr<T,Deleter> 构造函数要求 Deleter 不抛出异常

标签 c++ c++17 language-lawyer noexcept

unique_ptr (constructor) @ cppreference

unique_ptr( pointer p, /* see below */ d1 ) noexcept;
unique_ptr( pointer p, /* see below */ d2 ) noexcept;

这里有 2 个构造函数,Deleter 案例的描述非引用

a) If D is non-reference type A, then the signatures are:
unique_ptr(pointer p, const A& d) noexcept;
(1) (requires that Deleter is nothrow-CopyConstructible)
unique_ptr(pointer p, A&& d) noexcept;
(2) (requires that Deleter is nothrow-MoveConstructible)

我检查了 gcc 和 llvm 代码,但没有看到强制执行 nothrot 要求。构造函数 3-4 被标记为 noexcept,因此在调用构造函数时,Deleter 不应抛出异常。但我不确定为什么在他们提供的示例中,构造函数没有标记为 noexcept

struct D { // deleter
    D() {};
    D(const D&) { std::cout << "D copy ctor\n"; }
    D(D&) { std::cout << "D non-const copy ctor\n";}
    D(D&&) { std::cout << "D move ctor \n"; }
    void operator()(Foo* p) const {
        std::cout << "D is deleting a Foo\n";
        delete p;


I checked both gcc and llvm code but I don't see nothrow requirement is enforced.

这是actual words from the standard :

For the first constructor, if D is not a reference type, D shall meet the Cpp17CopyConstructible requirements and such construction shall not exit via an exception. For the second constructor, if D is not a reference type, D shall meet the Cpp17MoveConstructible requirements and such construction shall not exit via an exception.

这意味着,如果您的复制/移动构造函数通过异常退出,则会出现未定义的行为。 [在这种情况下,“应”是对用户的要求。 ]


(稍后)注意:要求不是它们是 noexcept,而是它们不通过异常退出。这就是为什么 cppreference 上的示例很好。

关于c++ - unique_ptr<T,Deleter> 构造函数要求 Deleter 不抛出异常,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61603288/


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