java - 玩!框架从现有实体生成 CRUD

标签 java playframework crud

我有一个现有的实体类,它已经从另一个类继承,而不是模型。 现有的实体类来自库(jar),这意味着我无法更改它们。

我还能使用 Play! 的 CRUD 方法吗?框架?





非实体父类(super class)

Entities may have non-entity superclasses, and these superclasses can be either abstract or concrete. The state of non-entity superclasses is non-persistent, and any state inherited from the non-entity superclass by an entity class is non-persistent. Non-entity superclasses may not be used in EntityManager or Query operations. Any mapping or relationship annotations in non-entity superclasses are ignored.

我相信唯一的方法是你的 super 类也用 @MappedSuperClass 注释

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