macros - 如何使用 `` ?

标签 macros clojure

我发现对于任何在 中编写类似 defn 的宏的人来说,这将是一个很棒的工具。图书馆:name-with-attributes功能。文档字符串说:

To be used in macro definitions. Handles optional docstrings and attribute maps for a name to be defined in a list of macro arguments. If the first macro argument is a string, it is added as a docstring to name and removed from the macro argument list. If afterwards the first macro argument is a map, its entries are added to the name's metadata map and the map is removed from the macro argument list. The return value is a vector containing the name with its extended metadata map and the list of unprocessed macro arguments.


那么,我如何使用这个函数来定义一个 defn2 宏,它应该是包含所有相同内容的 clojure.core/defn 的克隆功能,包括:

  • 文档字符串
  • 属性映射
  • 先决条件
  • 多方面



(require '[ :as ctm])

(defmacro defn2
  "A clone of `defn`."
  [symb & defn-args]
  (let [[symb body] (ctm/name-with-attributes symb defn-args)]
    `(defn ~symb ~@body)))


(defn2 ^:private add
       ([] :foo)
       ([a b] {:pre [(= 1 1)]} (+ a b)))

(pprint (meta #'add))


{:arglists ([] [a b]),
 :ns #<Namespace user>,
 :name add,
 :column 1,
 :private true,
 :doc "Docstring",
 :line 1,

使用上面的 defn2 创建了一个 add 函数,其工作方式如下:

(add)     ; => :foo
(add 1 2) ; => 3

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