java - 如何通过移动手机进行更改

标签 java android

我想开发一款像单挑这样的游戏! 我需要的是,当用户向下移动手机时,会调用一些函数,如何编写代码?


您可以使用RxSensor,它是 Android 传感器的响应式(Reactive)包装器。可以在这里找到


Android 在 Here 有一组传感器和 Motion Sensor Documentation


RxSensor 的示例用法和 Android Motion 文档 以传感器 TYPE_ACCELEROMETER

     RxSensor rxSensor = new RxSensor(this);
    //Note where i have put TYPE_ACCELEROMETER
    rxSensor.observe(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL)
        .subscribe(new Subscriber<RxSensorEvent>() {
            public void onCompleted() { }

            public void onError(Throwable e) { }

            public void onNext(RxSensorEvent sensorEvent) {
                Log.d("RxSensor", "event: " + sensorEvent.toString());


Acceleration force along the x axis (including gravity).


Measured acceleration along the X axis without any bias compensation and many more types if you look at the documentation

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