javascript - CK编辑器4,谷歌翻译也翻译我的MATHJAX公式,即使没有翻译

标签 javascript google-translate mathjax ckeditor4.x google-translation-api


我正在使用 ck 编辑器和 Mathjax 插件来添加数学公式,如下所示

<script src=""></script>

<textarea name="desc" class="form-control" id="richtext" placeholder="About this category."></textarea>


var richtext = document.getElementById('richtext');
CKEDITOR.replace('richtext', {
      on : {
            change: function ( evt )  {
            $(richtext).html(evt.editor.getData().replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,"") ) ;
      extraPlugins: 'mathjax,colorbutton,font,justify,print,tableresize,uploadimage,uploadfile,pastefromword,liststyle,pagebreak',
      mathJaxLib: '',
      height: 320

    if ( && CKEDITOR.env.version == 8) {
      document.getElementById('ie8-warning').className = 'tip alert';



require_once ('assets/vendor/autoload.php');
use \Statickidz\GoogleTranslate;
$source = 'en';
$target = 'hi';
$text = "<p>This is a test question. please do not translate this <span class="math-tex">\(x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}\)</span>equation.</p>";  
// i know there is an issue of double quotes in the class math-tex, but this is what i get from ckeditor. even if i replace the double quotes with single it does not does the job.

$tex4444t=str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), " ", $text);
$trans232 = new GoogleTranslate();
$results3 = $trans232->translate($source, $target, $tex4444t);

i know there is an issue of double quotes in the class math-tex, but this is what i get from ckeditor. even if i replace the double quotes with single it does not does the job. i have also tried using notranslate class with math-tex it still does not work.



这已出现在 MathJax issue tracker 中。看来php google translate似乎无法处理 notranslate 类。您可以向他们提交错误。


还有another option MathJax 问题跟踪器中建议的方法更复杂,但可能是最安全的方法。

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