haskell - 读取并表示指定要使用的数据类型的输入

标签 haskell polymorphism



integer pair 1 2
integer triple 1 2 3
real pair 1 2
real triple 1 2 3


data (MValue a) => T a = TP (Pair a) | TT (Triple a)
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data Pair a = Pair a a deriving (Show, Eq)
data Triple a = Triple a a a deriving (Show, Eq)

其中允许的值类型必须属于 MValue 类:

class (Num a, Read a) => MValue a where
  typename :: a -> String
  readval  :: [String] -> Maybe a

instance MValue Int where
  typename _ = "integer"
  readval [s] = maybeRead s
  readval _   = Nothing

instance MValue Double where
  typename _ = "real"
  readval [s] = maybeRead s
  readval _   = Nothing

maybeRead s =
  case reads s of
    [(x,_)] -> Just x
    _       -> Nothing

我可以轻松地为 PairTriple 编写阅读器:

readPair (w1:w2:[]) = Pair <$> maybeRead w1 <*> maybeRead w2
readTriple (w1:w2:w3:[]) = Triple <$> maybeRead w1 <*> maybeRead w2 <*> maybeRead w3

问题是如何为整个T a 类型编写多态读取器?:

readT :: (MValue a, Read a) => String -> Maybe (T a)


  1. 类型a由调用者选择。
  2. 如果用户的输入与 a 不兼容,
  3. readT 应生成 Nothing
  4. 如果输入有效,
  5. readT 应生成 Just (T a)
  6. 数字应读取为整数或 double ,具体取决于输入。


readT :: (MValue a, Read a) => String -> Maybe (T a)
readT s =
  case words s of
    (tp:frm:rest) ->
        if tp /= typename (undefined :: a)
           then Nothing
           else case frm of
             "pair" -> TP <$> readPair rest
             "triple" -> TT <$> readTriple rest
             _ -> Nothing
    _ -> Nothing

在行 if tp/= typename (undefined::a):

    Ambiguous type variable `a' in the constraint:
      `MValue a' arising from a use of `typename' at rd.hs:45:17-41
    Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
Failed, modules loaded: none.

如果删除此检查,错误就会消失,但如何验证用户输入是否与调用者选择的数据类型兼容?解决方案可能是使用单独的 readTIntreadTDouble,但我希望相同的 readT 以与 相同的方式多态工作阅读确实如此。


问题是 undefined::a 中的 areadT 中的 a 不一样code> 的签名。 GHC 中有一个语言扩展可以实现这一点,称为“ScopedTypeVariables”。更可移植的修复方法是引入一些额外的代码来显式地将类型绑定(bind)在一起,例如:

readT :: (MValue a, Read a) => String -> Maybe (T a)
readT s = result
    result = 
      case words s of
        (tp:frm:rest) ->
            if tp /= typename ((const :: a -> Maybe (T a) -> a) undefined result)
               then Nothing
               else case frm of
                 "pair" -> TP <$> readPair rest
                 "triple" -> TT <$> readTriple rest
                 _ -> Nothing
        _ -> Nothing


关于haskell - 读取并表示指定要使用的数据类型的输入,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4174187/


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