python - 10、Python字符串中最常见的单词

标签 python

我需要显示文本文件中最常见的 10 个单词,从最频繁到最少以及它的使用次数。我无法使用字典或计数器功能。到目前为止我有这个:

import urllib
cnt = 0
txtFile = urllib.urlopen("")
uniques = []
for line in txtFile:
    words = line.split()
    for word in words:
        if word not in uniques:
for word in words:
    while i<len(uniques):
        if word in uniques:
             cnt += 1
print cnt




使用Python集合可以轻松解决上述问题 下面是解决方案。

from collections import Counter

data_set = "Welcome to the world of Geeks " \
"This portal has been created to provide well written well" \
"thought and well explained solutions for selected questions " \
"If you like Geeks for Geeks and would like to contribute " \
"here is your chance You can write article and mail your article " \
" to contribute at geeksforgeeks org See your article appearing on " \
"the Geeks for Geeks main page and help thousands of other Geeks. " \

# split() returns list of all the words in the string
split_it = data_set.split()

# Pass the split_it list to instance of Counter class.
Counters_found = Counter(split_it)

# most_common() produces k frequently encountered
# input values and their respective counts.
most_occur = Counters_found.most_common(4)

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