java - 矩阵上的递归移动

标签 java recursion matrix

我正在尝试编写一个递归函数来检查字符串矩阵中所有可能的路径来构建一个单词,我只能向上、向下、向右和向左移动。 该功能不起作用,我不明白为什么..

我的算法: 1. 如果下一步有效: 1.1 将下一个字母添加到字符串中 1.2 勾选单元格为“已访问”(Stepped) 1.3 如果字符串是一个单词,则打印它。 2. 对下一步的所有选项执行相同的操作:右、左、上、下。

// Function to check if it is possible to go to position next
// from current position. The function returns false if next is
// not a valid position or it is already visited
public static boolean isValid(int x, int y, boolean[][] isStepped)
    int M = 4;
    int N = 4;
    return (x >= 0) && (x < M) &&
            (y >= 0) && (y < N) &&
public static void printWords(String A[][], int next_x, int next_j, boolean[][] isStepped, String s)
    if (isValid(next_x,next_j, isStepped)) // check if next step in bounds of array and not stepped already
        s+=A[next_x][next_j]; // Add the valid letter to s
        isStepped[next_x][next_j] = true;
        if(isWord(s)) // check if the letters until now Constitute a word
            System.out.println(s + " ");
    printWords(A, next_x+1, next_j, isStepped, s); // Move Up
    printWords(A, next_x-1, next_j, isStepped, s); // Move Down
    printWords(A, next_x, next_j+1, isStepped, s); // Move Right
    printWords(A, next_x, next_j-1, isStepped, s); // Move Left




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