sql - 在包中找不到 SSIS 连接

标签 sql sql-server ssis

我对 SSIS 编程有点陌生,在部署 SSIS 包时遇到一些问题。



Code: 0xC001000E Source: Description: The connection "{DA7CD38D-F6AA-4B06-8014-58BEE5684364}" is not found. This error is thrown by Connections collection when the specific connection element is not found. End Error

Error: 2012-08-09 00:21:06.25 Code: 0xC001000E Source: Package Description: The connection "{DA7CD38D-F6AA-4B06-8014-58BEE5684364}" is not found. This error is thrown by Connections collection when the specific connection element is not found. End Error

Error: 2012-08-09 00:21:06.25 Code: 0xC001000E Source: Package Description: The connection "{DA7CD38D-F6AA-4B06-8014-58BEE5684364}" is not found. This error is thrown by Connections collection when the specific connection element is not found. End Error

Error: 2012-08-09 00:21:06.25 Code: 0xC00291EB Source: Execute SQL Task Execute SQL Task Description: Connection manager "{DA7CD38D-F6AA-4B06-8014-58BEE5684364}" does not exist. End Error

Error: 2012-08-09 00:21:06.25 Code: 0xC0024107 Source: Execute SQL Task Description: There were errors during task validation. End Error DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_FAILURE (1). Started: 00:21:04 Finished: 00:21:06 Elapsed: 1.888 seconds. The package execution failed. The step failed.



创建 SSIS 2012 包时,在“解决方案资源管理器”窗口中,您将看到项目级别的“连接管理器”文件夹。这似乎是创建连接最合理的位置,并且应该在创建可由项目中的任何包使用的连接时使用。它包含在项目级别,而不是包级别。

当使用 dtexec 运行我的 dtsx 包时,我收到了与上面显示的相同的错误。这是因为连接未包含在包中(仅包含在项目中)。我的解决方案是进入包设计器,然后在“连接管理器”窗口中,右键单击项目级连接(使用“(项目)”前缀显示)并选择“转换为包连接”。这会将连接嵌入到实际的 dtsx 包中。这缓解了我的问题。

关于sql - 在包中找不到 SSIS 连接,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11874722/


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