java - Spring框架,我需要一个变量来依赖于 session

标签 java spring spring-mvc


我需要一个变量,当前路径是 session 本地的。我想避免一个用户将目录更改为另一用户时的情况。


User1 is opening home page (current location Z:/), user1 is changing directory to Z:/foo, User2 is opening home page and he is home page is Z:/foo.


User1 is opening home page (current location Z:/), user1 is changing directory to Z:/foo, User2 is opening home page and he is home page is Z:/, but User1 is still at Z:/foo

我试图使用@Scope(value = WebApplicationContext.SCOPE_SESSION, proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)



您必须创建单独的 session 范围 bean,并在需要 session 范围数据时注入(inject)它 - 即使在应用程序范围 bean 中也是如此。例如

@Scope(value = WebApplicationContext.SCOPE_SESSION, proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
public class UserSpace{

    private File userRoot=....somehow set that on bean creation - eg at @PostConstruct
   .....other fields if needed


class YoutService{

  private UserSpace userSpace;// this will be session scoped proxy


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