erlang - 如何检查 Phoenix/Elixir/Erlang 应用程序的正常运行时间?

标签 erlang elixir phoenix-framework

如何检查 Phoenix/Elixir/Erlang 应用程序的正常运行时间?如果您执行 :observer.start() 并查看“系统”选项卡,您可以在“统计”区域中看到正常运行时间。但我希望能够以编程方式提取该信息并将其包含在报告中。我已经弄清楚从哪里获取大部分数据,但我不知道它从哪里获取正常运行时间。



Returns information about runtime, in milliseconds.

This is the sum of the runtime for all threads in the Erlang runtime system and can therefore be greater than the wall clock time.


Returns information about wall clock. wall_clock can be used in the same manner as runtime, except that real time is measured as opposed to runtime or CPU time.


{_, Time1} = statistics(runtime).


 {_, Time2} = statistics(wall_clock).

相应地,您将看到 Time1Time2 中的时间。欲了解更多信息,请查看erlang:statistics/1

注意:如果您想要自 Erlang VM 启动以来经过的总时间,您可以从元组中获取第一个元素:{Total_Time, Time_Since_Last_Call} = stats(wall_clock)。

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