android - 仅将 Firebase 分析重新路由到另一个帐户

标签 android firebase google-analytics firebase-analytics

请不要扔石头。我基本上有同样的问题:Is it possible to use FCM and Firebase Analytics in different google account?没有任何答案。

我在当前正在开发的 Android 应用中使用了相当多的 Firebase 功能(FCM、Auth 等),但现在管理层希望在专门为营销创建的单独帐户中使用 Analytics。是否可以仅将 Analytics 移至此处,还是必须将所有功能也移至营销帐户?


我写信给 Firebase 支持人员,他们的答复如下:

Hello there,

Thanks for reaching out.

Analytics data cannot be migrated from one account to another. You also cannot export and import historical data with Google Analytics for Firebase.

There are two way you could share the Analytics data to your Marketing team

  1. You can link your account to BigQuery and then use DataStudio to make custom reports which can be used by your Marketing team. Take note that you can only export data to BigQuery starting the date of the linkage so you cannot get BigQuery data for your previous data.

  2. You can give your Marketing team's account a Viewer's access to your Firebase project. This way they can only see the data but will not be able to edit or change anything in your project. You can see this documentation for your reference.

Regards, xxx



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