perl - 如何根据另一个哈希的键/值删除[子]哈希?

标签 perl hash perl-data-structures



my %hash1 = ( 
        test1 => { inner1 => { more => "alpha", evenmore => "beta" } },
        test2 => { inner2 => { more => "charlie", somethingelse => "delta" } },
        test3 => { inner9999 => { ohlookmore => "golf", somethingelse => "foxtrot" } }

my %hash2 = (
        major=> { test2 => "inner2",
              test3 => "inner3" }  );

我想做的是,如果 hash1 中的整个子哈希不作为 hash2{major} 中的键/值存在,则删除它,最好没有模块。 “innerX”中包含的信息并不重要,它只是必须保留(除非要删除子哈希,然后它就会消失)。

在上面的示例中,执行此操作后,hash1 将如下所示:

my %hash1 = ( 
        test2 => { inner2 => { more => "charlie", somethingelse => "delta" } },

它删除 hash1{test1} 和 hash1{test3},因为它们与 hash2 中的任何内容都不匹配。


这是我尝试这样做,但是 perl 提示:


while(my ($test, $inner) = each %hash1)
    if(exists $hash2{major}{$test}{$inner})
        print "$test($inner) is in exists.\n";
        print "Looks like $test($inner) does not exist, REMOVING.\n";
       #not to sure if $inner is needed to remove the whole entry
         delete ($hash1{$test}{$inner});



#! /usr/bin/perl

use strict;
use warnings;

my %hash1 = ( 
  test1 => { inner1 => { more => "alpha", evenmore => "beta" } },
  test2 => { inner2 => { more => "charlie", somethingelse => "delta" } },
  test3 => { inner9999 => { ohlookmore => "golf", somethingelse => "foxtrot" } }

my %hash2 = (
  major => { test2 => "inner2",
             test3 => "inner3" }

foreach my $k (keys %hash1) {
  my $delete = 1;
  foreach my $inner (keys %{ $hash1{$k} }) {
    $delete = 0, last if exists $hash2{major}{$k} &&
                                $hash2{major}{$k} eq $inner;
  delete $hash1{$k} if $delete;

use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
print Dumper \%hash1;

$delete = 0, ... 开头的行有点可爱。相当于$delete = 0; last;在另一个条件中,但它已经嵌套了两次。不想建立一个 matryoshka doll ,我用了statement modifier ,但顾名思义,它修改单个语句。

那就是Perl's comma operator进来:

Binary , is the comma operator. In scalar context it evaluates its left argument, throws that value away, then evaluates its right argument and returns that value. This is just like C's comma operator.

在本例中,左侧参数是表达式 $delete = 0 ,正确的参数是 last .


... if $hash2{major}{$k} eq $inner;

当探测 %hash2 中未提及的测试时,会产生未定义值警告(例如,test1/inner1)。使用

.. if $hash2{major}{$k} && $hash2{major}{$k} eq $inner;

会错误地删除 %hash2 中提到的测试如果它的“内部名称”是一个假值,例如字符串 "0" 。是的,使用 exists这里可能不必要地挑剔,但由于不知道你的实际哈希键,我选择了保守的路线。


$VAR1 = {
  'test2' => {
    'inner2' => {
      'somethingelse' => 'delta',
      'more' => 'charlie'

Although you don't violate it, be aware of the following caveat related to using each:

If you add or delete elements of a hash while you're iterating over it, you may get entries skipped or duplicated, so don't. Exception: It is always safe to delete the item most recently returned by each, which means that the following code will work:

    while (($key, $value) = each %hash) {
      print $key, "\n";
      delete $hash{$key};   # This is safe

Update: Searching hashes as though they were arrays (impress your CS nerd friends by saying “… linearly rather than logarithmically”) is a red flag, and the code above does just that. A better approach, which turns out to be similar to Penfold's answer, is

%hash1 = map +($_ => $hash1{$_}),
         grep exists $hash2{major}{$_} &&
              exists $hash1{$_}{ $hash2{major}{$_} },
         keys %hash1;

它以漂亮的声明式风格描述了 %hash1 所需的内容,即

  1. 一级 key %hash1应该在 $hash2{major} 中提到,并且
  2. $hash2{major} 中的值对应于每个一级 key 本身应该是 %hash1 中该 key 的子 key


+($_ => $hash1{$_}) 中的一元加号为较差的解析器消除歧义,因此它知道我们希望将表达式视为“对”。见文末perlfunc documentation on map 对于其他可能需要这样做的情况。

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