delphi - Rave Reports Delphi 7 中的横向打印

标签 delphi report landscape rave-reports

我在 Rave (Delphi 7) 中创建了报告设计。然而它们处于纵向模式。当用户从“打印设置”中选择横向打印时,无论如何都会再次以纵向打印。我该如何修复它,以便 Rave 以用户在打印设置期间选择的格式生成报告?


查看文档“Rave Reports”[PDF]



另请参阅 anchor :

Anchors can be used to create adaptable Reports when combined with other Reporting features. Imagine that a Report needs to be defined that can be printed in either landscape or portrait orientation or that the Report may be run on different size papers. Setting the Anchors properly will allow one Report to adjust to these changing conditions.

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