java - JPA继承两个或多个父类(super class)

标签 java hibernate jpa spring-data-jpa

我对JPA中的继承进行了研究,并resources我发现每个实体只使用一个父类(super class)。但没有使用 2 个或更多父类(super class)的示例。


@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
@DiscriminatorColumn(name = “Abstract_One”)
public abstract class AbstractOne {

    protected Long id;

@Entity(name = “A”)
public class A extends AbstractOne {

    private int a;


@Entity(name = “B”)
public class B extends A {

    private int b;






public class A
   @Column(name = "RECID")
   public Long getId()

public class B extends A
   @Column(name = "COL1")
   public String getColumn1()

public class C extends B
   @Column(name = "COL2")
   public String getColumn2()

另外,在 Bauer、King、Gregory 所著的优秀著作《Java Persistence with Hibernate》中,我发现以下内容对于解决此问题可能有用:

6.5 Mixing inheritance strategies

You can map an entire inheritance hierarchy with the TABLE_PER_CLASS, SINGLE_TABLE, or JOINED strategy. You can’t mix them — for example, to switch from a table-per-class hierarchy with a discriminator to a normalized table-per-subclass strategy. Once you’ve made a decision for an inheritance strategy, you have to stick with it. This isn’t completely true, however. By using some tricks, you can switch the mapping strategy for a particular subclass. For example, you can map a class hierarchy to a single table, but, for a particular subclass, switch to a separate table with a foreign key–mapping strategy, just as with table-per-subclass.


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