ios - 单个 BLE 中心能否通过低功耗蓝牙与多个 BLE 外设连接?

标签 ios bluetooth-lowenergy core-bluetooth cbperipheral cbcentralmanager

我在我的 iOS 应用程序项目中使用核心蓝牙框架。我有以下关于蓝牙低功耗的问题 -

  1. iOS 中单个中央设备是否可以连接多个外围设备?
  2. 多个中央设备可以与单个外围设备连接吗?
  3. 单个 iOS 设备可以同时充当中央设备和外围设备吗?
  4. 如果是,那么如果两个这样的设备尝试作为中央设备相互连接会发生什么?
  5. 当应用处于后台时,我们可以通过 BLE 进行通信吗?


Is it possible for a single central to connect multiple peripherals in iOS?


Can multiple central device connect with a single peripheral?


Can a single iOS device act as central as well as peripheral at the same time?


If yes, then what will happen if both of 2 such devices try to connect as central to each other?

他们通常会连接两次。在一种联系中,一个是中心的,一个是外围的。另一方面,则相反。这是一种非常不寻常的系统设计方式,但它是合法的通常会起作用,尽管它是非法的(请参阅下面 Youssif 的评论以供引用)。

Can we communicate via BLE when the app is in background?


关于ios - 单个 BLE 中心能否通过低功耗蓝牙与多个 BLE 外设连接?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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