java - Vaadin 流不支持操作异常 : Confirmed duplicate message from the client

标签 java vaadin vaadin-flow vaadin10

我想使用带有 Button 的 Anchor 元素作为子元素,但在这种情况下我遇到了异常:

java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Confirmed duplicate message from the client. Expected sync id: 2, got 1. Message start: {"csrfToken":"992caf41-4b1c-4b1e-97da-04c83c55301a","rpc":[{"type":"event","node":10,"event":"click","data":{"event.shiftKey":false,"event.metaKey":false,"event.detail":1,"event.ctrlKey":false,"event.clientX":693,"event.clientY":166,"event.altKey":false,"event.button":0,"event.screenY":262,"event.screenX":693}}],"syncId":1,"clientId":1}


Button button = new Button("Rules");
Anchor anchor = new Anchor("/rules", button);


我使用的是 Vaadin 14.0.5 谁能帮我解决这个问题吗?


您是否向 UI 添加了 buttonanchor ?如果是这种情况,那么您应该直接添加anchor。这似乎对我来说没有任何问题

Button button = new Button("Title");
Anchor anchor = new Anchor("", button); add(anchor);

您能为您的示例添加更多详细信息吗?您的 anchor 中的 URL 是什么?

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