java - 二叉搜索树到 inOrder 数组

标签 java arrays binary-search-tree



public class OrderedSet<E extends Comparable<E>> {
    private class TreeNode {
    private E data;
    private TreeNode left, right;

    public TreeNode(E el) {
        data = el;
        left = null;
        right = null;

  private TreeNode root;
  public int size = 0;

  public OrderedSet() {
    root = null;



TreeNode tree  // this is your tree you want to traverse
E[] array = new E[tree.size];  // the arrays length must be equivalent to the number of Nodes in the tree
int index = 0; // when adding something to the array we need an index
inOrder(tree, array, index);  // thats the call for the method you'll create


public void inOrder(TreeNode node, E[] array, int index){
    if(node == null){  // recursion anchor: when the node is null an empty leaf was reached (doesn't matter if it is left or right, just end the method call
    inOrder(node.getLeft(), array, index);   // first do every left child tree
    array[index++]= node.getData();          // then write the data in the array
    inOrder(node.getRight(), array, index);  // do the same with the right child

有点像这样。我只是不确定索引以及它需要在哪里增加。如果您不想担心索引或者不知道树中有多少个节点,则可以使用 ArrayList 并将其最终转换为数组。


public E[] inOrderSort(TreeNode tree){
    E[] array = new E[tree.size];
    inOrder(tree, array, 0);
    return array;

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