java - 我无法返回深度优先搜索

标签 java recursion return depth-first-search

我正在研究一种在六边形网格中查找路径的算法。为此,我使用深度优先搜索,深度为 3。它的工作原理是找到正确的路径。唯一的问题是它不返回它。相反,它返回一个空集。

public Set findPath(Game game, Point origin, Point destination, Set<Point> hasVisited, int depth) throws Exception {
    if (origin.equals(destination)){
        System.out.println("Return from goal requirements: " + hasVisited);
        return hasVisited;

    if (!origin.equals(destination)){
        if (depth != 0) {
            for (Point emptyNeighbor : getEmptyNeighbors(game, origin)) {
                if (!hasVisited.contains(emptyNeighbor)) {
                    if (!game.isHiveBrokenAfterPush(origin, emptyNeighbor)) {
                        game.push(origin.x, origin.y, emptyNeighbor.x, emptyNeighbor.y);

                        findPath(game, emptyNeighbor, destination, actualOrigin, hasVisited, depth - 1);

                        game.push(emptyNeighbor.x, emptyNeighbor.y, origin.x, origin.y);

    System.out.println("Return from end of function: " + hasVisited);
    return hasVisited;

加载 If 语句后,它将节点添加到 hasVisited 并将该片段推向该方向。然后它调用自己继续在树的分支上。它会删除 hasVisited 形式的节点,如果不起作用则取消推送。

现在发生的情况是,最终的返回似乎来自函数的 and 。这些是它打印的最后几行:

Return from goal requirements: [java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=0], java.awt.Point[x=-2,y=1], java.awt.Point[x=-2,y=2]]
Return from end of function: [java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=0], java.awt.Point[x=-2,y=1]]
Return from end of function: [java.awt.Point[x=-1,y=0]]
Return from end of function: []


我尝试返回 findPath 而不是仅仅执行它。这样做只会执行一个分支。它不会取消无效的 Action 。我在代码中看不到问题,希望你们能帮助我。干杯!


如果只有一种解,则立即返回。 递归将一个元素添加到集合中,递归调用并撤消添加。 这将改变集合和结果。当收集多个结果时,人们会复制该组结果。

public boolean findPath(Game game, Point origin, Point destination, Set<Point> hasVisited,
            int depth) throws Exception {
    if (origin.equals(destination)){
        System.out.println("Return from goal requirements: " + hasVisited);
        return true;

    if (depth != 0) {
        for (Point emptyNeighbor : getEmptyNeighbors(game, origin)) {
            if (!hasVisited.contains(emptyNeighbor)) {
                if (!game.isHiveBrokenAfterPush(origin, emptyNeighbor)) {
                    game.push(origin.x, origin.y, emptyNeighbor.x, emptyNeighbor.y);
                    boolean found = findPath(game, emptyNeighbor,
                            destination, actualOrigin, hasVisited, depth - 1);
                    if (found) {
                        return true;

                    game.push(emptyNeighbor.x, emptyNeighbor.y, origin.x, origin.y);

    System.out.println("Not found");
    return false;

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