java - 无法在 Safari 13.0.4 中使用 Selenium 单击元素

标签 java selenium xpath css-selectors webdriverwait 等方法不会触发任何运行时出错,而且单击操作也不会发生。尝试使用 Javascript,但我尝试单击的元素似乎无法单击(在 Chrome 的开发人员工具中返回未定义)

这是该元素的 html

<div class="flatpickr-calendar animate showTimeInput arrowTop open" tabindex="-1" style="width: 245px; top: 719px; left: 1603.17px; right: auto;">
 <div class="flatpickr-months">...</div>
 <div class="flatpickr-innerContainer">
  <div class="flatpickr-rContainer">
  <div class="flatpickr-weekdays">...</div>
   <div class="flatpickr-days" tabindex="-1" style="width: 245px;">
    <div class="dayContainer">
     <span class="flatpickr-day " aria-label="December 29, 2019" tabindex="-1">29</span>


要单击该元素,您必须为 elementToBeClickable() 引发 WebDriverWait,并且您可以使用以下任一 Locator Strategies :

  • css选择器:

    new WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(By.cssSelector("div.dayContainer>span.flatpickr-day[aria-label='December 29, 2019']"))).click();
  • xpath:

    new WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(By.xpath("//div[@class='dayContainer']/span[@class='flatpickr-day ' and text()='29']"))).click();

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