java - 如何从Java中的其他类初始化静态最终变量

标签 java class static constants final

I want to initialize Final.value in Main method. Is it possible to initialize static final constant in other class than in its deceleration class?

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //I want to initialize Final.value in Main method.


class Final {
    //here is the static final variable which can be assigned vai a static block
    //but how do I initialize it in the main method if I don't use the static block?
    static final int value;



你不能。您可能认为 main 发生在其他所有事情之前,因此在那里初始化事物是安全的,但这是不正确的。


class Scratch

    public static void main(String[] args)
        Foo.i = 100;

class Foo
    static int i;

它不会打印 100。它会打印 0,因为在 main 之前还发生了其他事情。



静态初始化有两种选择。在静态初始化 block 中,如您所示,或内联:

static final int value = 421

Java 阻止你做你想做的事情是有充分理由的:因为它可能会导致错误。

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