msbuild - 如何告诉 NuGet 使用哪些 MSBuild 可执行文件?

标签 msbuild nuget

NuGet 显然有一些逻辑来确定要使用哪些 MSBuild 可执行文件。有没有办法覆盖这种行为?或者至少有一种方法告诉它使用 x86 MSBuild 而不是 x64?

MSBuild auto-detection: using msbuild version '14.0' from 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\amd64'.


来自command-line documentation ,您可以在命令行上指定 -MSBuildPath-MSBuildVersion

MSBuildPath (4.0+) Specifies the path of MSBuild to use with the command, taking precedence over -MSBuildVersion.

MSBuildVersion (3.2+) Specifies the version of MSBuild to be used with this command. Supported values are 4, 12, 14, 15. By default the MSBuild in your path is picked, otherwise it defaults to the highest installed version of MSBuild.

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