java - android和javafx轻量级兼容事件框架

标签 java android events event-handling javafx

我的要求是我正在寻找一个在 Android 和 Java Fx(Windows 和 Linux 平台)中兼容的轻量级事件框架,以便它在这两种技术中无缝运行。

1) Eventing framework mbassador (by bennidi)-> 是否兼容android 4.0 (Ice Cream sandwich) 因为它可以与 javafx 一起正常工作,而且重量轻,性能也不错。
2) Guava EventBus :- 从文档来看,它似乎与 android 兼容,但性能如何,它是否比 mbassador 更好。


事件框架 MBassador 与 Android 4.0 兼容。
Guava Event Bus 是轻量级的,并且与这两种技术兼容。

上述两个框架都是轻量级的,并为订阅/ Release模式提供了强大的机制,根据 MBassador 的描述,它的初始设计灵感来自 Guava Event Bus,但 Strong在某些情况下,对 Guava Event Bus 中使用的监听器的引用是问题。

根据 GitHub MBassador 中描述的学分部分

The initial inspiration for creating this component came from trying out Google Guava's event bus implementation. I liked the simplicity of its design and I do trust the developers at Google a lot, so I was happy to find that they also provided an event bus system. The main reason it proved to be unusable for our scenario was that it uses strong references to the listeners such that every object has to be explicitly deregistered. This was difficult in our Spring managed environment. Finally, I decided to create a custom implementation, which then matured to be stable, extensible and yet very efficient


我在 [Java 事件总线库比较]]( ) 上找到了性能比较(我从该站点的谷歌缓存页面获得了结果),其中比较了 Google Guava、SimpleBus、EventBus 和 mbassador 框架,MBassador 是明显的赢家


The shown performance characteristics of the compared implementations indicate that,
1. Listener subscription is an expensive operation for all implementations but MBassador and Guava
2. Concurrent access does generally slow down the bus performance because of higher contention/synchronization.
3. SimpleBus is by far the slowest implementation.
4. MBassador is by far the fastest implementation in all scenarios. It also offers the best scaling characteristics meaning that higher concurrency rates do not slow down the bus performance as much as the others. This is because MBassador relies on a custom data structure with very fast write operations that do not block readers and at the same time do not copy existing data structures (most other implementations use CopyOnWriteArrayList).

总结 在过去的几个月里,我们一直在使用 MBassador,它符合我们的要求,它在 Android、JavaFX< 中运行良好/strong> 并且在 Linux、Windows、Mac 等操作系统上也适用于 simple java

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