java - 如何避免Springboot Camel Route每天在特定时间挂断信号而关闭

标签 java spring spring-boot apache-camel spring-camel

我有一个独立的 springboot 应用程序,带有 Apache Camel 2.24 Camelroutes 设置。预计应用程序 24x7 运行并且永远不会宕机。通过camel REST DSL 作为 REST API 公开的服务。


Please help how to avoid the camel springboot application from shutting down and not shut down the java process automatically every day


我已经使用 nohup java -jar 命令从 Udeploy 执行了 springboot jar 来部署以避免挂起中断。

每天的特定时间,应用程序都会收到一条 HangupInterceptor 消息,用于挂起并停止主实例。这会优雅地关闭我的 Camel 路由,关闭 Spring Camel 上下文,并最终销毁 Camelhttptransport servlet。

最终,当我使用 ps -ef | 检查时,springboot 应用程序的 jvm java 进程也被 Camel 上下文强制关闭/终止,并且不再运行 grep java


[ngupInterceptor] o.a.c.m.MainSupport$HangupInterceptor : Received hang up - stopping the main instance.
[ngupInterceptor] o.a.camel.spring.SpringCamelContext : Apache Camel 2.24.0 (CamelContext: Camel1) is shutting down
[ngupInterceptor] o.a.camel.impl.DefaultShutdownStrategy : Starting to graceful shutdown 2 routes(timeout 300 seconds)
[ - ShutdownTask] o.a.camel.impl.DefaultShutdownStrategy : Route: routename1 shutdown complete, was consuming from: direct://r1
[ - ShutdownTask] o.a.camel.impl.DefaultShutdownStrategy : Route: routename2 shutdown complete, was consuming from: direct://r2
[ngupInterceptor] o.a.camel.impl.DefaultShutdownStrategy : Graceful shutdown of 2 routes completed in 0 seconds
[ Thread-7] o.s.s.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor : Shutting down ExecutorService ’applicationTaskExecutor’
[ngupInterceptor] o.a.camel.main.MainLifecycleStrategy : CamelContext: Camel1 has been shutdown, triggering shutdown of the JVM
[ngupInterceptor] o.a.camel.spring.SpringCamelContext : Apache Camel 2.24.0 (CamelContext: Camel1) uptime 6 hours 10 minutes
[ngupInterceptor] o.a.camel.spring.SpringCamelContext : Apache Camel 2.24.0 (CamelContext: Camel1) is shutdown in 0.052 seconds
[ Thread-7] o.a.c.c.s.CamelHttpTransportServlet : Destroyed CamelHttpTransportServlet[Servlet] 包含此文件


pom.xml 包含此文件



HangupInterceptor 可以通过在 中设置 camel.main.hangup-interceptor-enabled=false 来禁用。

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