java - 如何处理 GooglePlayServicesRepairableException 和 GooglePlayServicesNotAvailableException

标签 java android google-play-services

我阅读了官方文档,这让我很困惑。有什么区别 GooglePlayServicesRepairableExceptionGooglePlayServicesNotAvailableException。什么时候扔?如何处理这些错误?如何向用户显示一个对话框,他可以在其中启用/更新/安装服务。等等

private void startLocationPicker() {
        try {
            new PlacePicker.IntentBuilder().build(this);
        } catch (GooglePlayServicesRepairableException e) {

        } catch (GooglePlayServicesNotAvailableException e) {



GooglePlayServicesRepairableException docs 中所述:

GooglePlayServicesRepairableExceptions are special instances of UserRecoverableExceptions which are thrown when Google Play Services is not installed, up-to-date, or enabled. In these cases, client code can use getConnectionStatusCode() in conjunction with getErrorDialog(, int, int) to provide users with a localized Dialog that will allow users to install, update, or otherwise enable Google Play services.

GooglePlayServicesNotAvailableException还有一个错误代码可以与 getErrorDialog() 一起使用,尽管我鼓励您查看 GoogleApiAvailability 中可用的所有方法。 .

关于java - 如何处理 GooglePlayServicesRepairableException 和 GooglePlayServicesNotAvailableException,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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