java - Micronaut Test 模拟 bean 无法注入(inject)值

标签 java testing integration-testing micronaut

我正在尝试测试一个依赖于 bean 来工作的类,我想模拟它。该 bean 需要一个字符串值,该值是使用 @ConfigurationProperties 从我的 application.yml 文件接收的,这可能是问题所在,因为在同一测试类中模拟的其他 bean 只是工作美好的。正常运行应用程序也可以正常工作,因此该错误似乎在某种程度上与 @MockBean 有关。

我有这个配置类,它从 application.yml 获取值:

public class SomeApiDaoConfig {
    private String url;

此外,该值是在integrationTest application.yml 文件中设置的:

  url: http://localhost:8082

还有这个创建 bean 的工厂:

public class SomeApiDaoFactory {

  public SomeApiDao someApiDao(SomeApiDaoConfig someApiDaoConfig) {
    return new SomeApiDao(someApiDaoConfig.getUrl());


@MicronautTest(packages = {"<<path to someApiDao>>"})
public class ServiceTest {
  @Inject private BlockingStub blockingStub;
  @Inject private AnotherDao anotherDao;
  @Inject private SomeApiDao someApiDao;

  void setUp() {

... (tests)

  AnotherDao anotherDao() {
    return mock(AnotherDao.class);

  SomeApiDao someApiDao() {
    return mock(SomeApiDao.class);

但是,当我运行测试时,在尝试初始化 SomeApiDao bean 时会弹出此错误:

Failed to inject value for parameter [url] of class: <path to test>.$ServiceTest$SomeApiDao3Definition$Intercepted

Message: No bean of type [java.lang.String] exists. Make sure the bean is not disabled by bean requirements (enable trace logging for 'io.micronaut.context.condition' to check) and if the bean is enabled then ensure the class is declared a bean and annotation processing is enabled (for Java and Kotlin the 'micronaut-inject-java' dependency should be configured as an annotation processor).
Path Taken: new GrpcEmbeddedServer(ApplicationContext applicationContext,ApplicationConfiguration applicationConfiguration,GrpcServerConfiguration grpcServerConfiguration,[ServerBuilder serverBuilder],ApplicationEventPublisher eventPublisher,ComputeInstanceMetadataResolver computeInstanceMetadataResolver,List metadataContributors) --> ServerBuilder.serverBuilder(GrpcServerConfiguration configuration,[List serviceList],List interceptors,List serverTransportFilters) --> new Service([SomeApiDao someApiDao]) --> new $ServiceTest$SomeApiDao3Definition$Intercepted([String url],BeanContext beanContext,Qualifier qualifier,Interceptor[] interceptors)
io.micronaut.context.exceptions.DependencyInjectionException: Failed to inject value for parameter [url] of class: <path to test>.$ServiceTest$SomeApiDao3Definition$Intercepted


public class SomeApiDaoConfig {
    private String url;

我假设@Data是Lombok注释,因此它为url创建一个构造函数参数。 Micronaut 在 1.3 之前不支持将配置键注入(inject)构造函数参数,并且需要使用 ConfigurationInject


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