c++ - 调用C++/STL算法时消除不必要的拷贝

标签 c++ visual-c++ c++11 stl g++4.8

  • 我已编码以下示例,以便更好地说明我的问题。
  • 在下面的代码中,我介绍了function object(即funObj)。
  • funObj类的定义中,定义了一个称为id的积分成员变量以保存所构造的每个funObj的ID,并定义了一个静态积分成员变量n来计数创建的funObj对象。
  • 因此,每次构造一个对象funObj时,n都会增加1,并将其值分配给新创建的idfunObj字段。
  • 此外,我定义了一个默认构造函数,一个复制构造函数和一个析构函数。这三者都将消息打印到stdout上,以表示它们的调用以及它们所引用的funObj的ID。
  • 我还定义了一个func函数,该函数将funObj类型的值对象作为输入。

  • 代码:
    #include <vector>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <functional>
    template<typename T>
    class funObj {
      std::size_t id;
      static std::size_t n;
      funObj() : id(++n) 
        std::cout << "    Constructed via the default constructor, object foo with ID(" << id << ")" << std::endl;
      funObj(funObj const &other) : id(++n) 
        std::cout << "    Constructed via the copy constructor, object foo with ID(" << id << ")" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "    Destroyed object foo with ID(" << id << ")" << std::endl;
      void operator()(T &elem)
      T operator()()
        return 1;
    template<typename T>
    void func(funObj<T> obj) { obj();  }
    template<typename T>
    std::size_t funObj<T>::n = 0;
    int main()
      std::vector<int> v{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, };
      std::cout << "> Calling `func`..." << std::endl;
      std::cout << "> Calling `for_each`..." << std::endl;
      std::for_each(std::begin(v), std::end(v), funObj<int>());
      std::cout << "> Calling `generate`..." << std::endl;
      std::generate(std::begin(v), std::end(v), funObj<int>());
      // std::ref 
      std::cout << "> Using `std::ref`..." << std::endl;
      auto fobj1 = funObj<int>();
      std::cout << "> Calling `for_each` with `ref`..." << std::endl;
      std::for_each(std::begin(v), std::end(v), std::ref(fobj1));
      std::cout << "> Calling `generate` with `ref`..." << std::endl;
      std::for_each(std::begin(v), std::end(v), std::ref(fobj1));
      return 0;


    Calling func...

    Constructed via the default constructor, object foo with ID(1)

    Destroyed object foo with ID(1)

    调用for_each ...

    Constructed via the default constructor, object foo with ID(2)

    Constructed via the copy constructor, object foo with ID(3)

    Destroyed object foo with ID(2)

    Destroyed object foo with ID(3)

    调用generate ...

    Constructed via the default constructor, object foo with ID(4)

    Constructed via the copy constructor, object foo with ID(5)

    Destroyed object foo with ID(5)

    Destroyed object foo with ID(4)

    使用std::ref ...

    Constructed via the default constructor, object foo with ID(6)

    for_each调用ref ...

    generate调用ref ...

    Destroyed object foo with ID(6)



  • 我知道大多数STL算法都按值传递其参数。但是,与func(也按值传递其输入参数)相比,STL算法会生成一个额外的拷贝。此“不必要”拷贝的原因是什么?
  • 是否有消除这种“不必要”拷贝的方法?
  • 在每种情况下分别调用std::for_each(std::begin(v), std::end(v), funObj<int>())func(funObj<int>())时,临时对象funObj<int>驻留在哪个范围内?
  • 我尝试使用std::ref来强制通过引用传递,并且如您所见,消除了“不必要的”拷贝。但是,当我尝试将临时对象传递给std::ref(即std::ref(funObj<int>()))时,出现编译器错误。为什么这种陈述是非法的?
  • 使用VC++ 2013生成了输出。如您所见,调用std::for_each时存在异常,以相反的顺序调用对象的析构函数。为什么会这样?
  • 当我在运行GCC v4.8的Coliru上运行代码时,析构函数异常已修复,但是std::generate不会生成额外的拷贝。为什么会这样?

  • 详细信息/评论:
  • 上面的输出是从VC++ 2013生成的。

  • 更新:
  • 我还向funObj类添加了一个move构造函数(请参见下面的代码)。

  •  funObj(funObj&& other) : id(other.id)
        other.id = 0;
        std::cout << "    Constructed via the move constructor, object foo with ID(" << id << ")" << std::endl;

  • 我还已在VC++ 2013中启用了完全优化并在 Release模式下进行了编译。

  • 输出(VC++ 2013):

    Calling func...

    Constructed via the default constructor, object foo with ID(1)

    Destroyed object foo with ID(1)

    调用for_each ...

    Constructed via the default constructor, object foo with ID(2)

    Constructed via the move constructor, object foo with ID(2)

    Destroyed object foo with ID(2)

    Destroyed object foo with ID(0)

    调用generate ...

    Constructed via the default constructor, object foo with ID(3)

    Constructed via the copy constructor, object foo with ID(4)

    Destroyed object foo with ID(4)

    Destroyed object foo with ID(3)

    使用std::ref ...

    Constructed via the default constructor, object foo with ID(5)

    for_each调用ref ...

    generate调用ref ...

    Destroyed object foo with ID(5)

    输出GCC 4.8

    Calling func...

    Constructed via the default constructor, object foo with ID(1)

    Destroyed object foo with ID(1)

    调用for_each ...

    Constructed via the default constructor, object foo with ID(2)

    Constructed via the move constructor, object foo with ID(2)

    Destroyed object foo with ID(2)

    Destroyed object foo with ID(0)

    调用generate ...

    Constructed via the default constructor, object foo with ID(3)

    Destroyed object foo with ID(3)

    Constructed via the default constructor, object foo with ID(4)

    for_each调用ref ...

    generate调用ref ...

    Destroyed object foo with ID(4)

    似乎VC++ 2013 std::generate如果启用了优化标志且编译处于 Release模式,并且定义了move构造函数,则将生成一个额外的拷贝。


    1 - I know that most STL algorithms pass their argument by value. However, compared to func, that also passes its input argument by value, the STL algorithms generate an extra copy. What's the reason for this "unnecessary" copy?

  • 好吧,确切地说,generate不返回任何东西(请参阅dyp)的评论

  • 2 - Is there a way to eliminate such "unnecessary" copies?



    auto fobj1 = funObj<int>();
    std::for_each<std::vector<int>::iterator, std::vector<int>::iterator, 
    funObj<int>&> // this is where the magic happens !!
    (std::begin(v), std::end(v), fobj1);

    3 - When calling std::for_each(std::begin(v), std::end(v), funObj()) and func(funObj()) in which scope does temporary object funObj lives, for each case respectively?

    std_for_each 的主体扩展如下:
    template<class InputIterator, class Function>
      Function for_each(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Function fn)
    { // 1
      while (first!=last) {
        fn (*first);
      return fn;      // or, since C++11: return move(fn);
    // 2

    template<typename T>
    void func(funObj<T> obj) 
    { // 1.
    // 2.


    4 - I've tried to use std::ref in order to force pass-by-reference and as you can see the "unnecessary" copy was eliminated. However, when I try to pass a temporary object to std::ref (i.e., std::ref(funObj())) I get a compiler error. Why such kind of statements are illegal?

    template<class _Ty>
    void ref(const _Ty&&) = delete;


    5 - The output was generated using VC++2013. As you can see there's an anomaly when calling std::for_each the destructors of the objects are being called in reversed order. Why is that so?

    6 - When I run the code on Coliru that runs GCC v4.8 the anomaly with destructors is fixed however std::generate doesn't generate an extra copy. Why is that so?

  • 检查每个编译的设置。通过启用优化(以及在VS中发行),可以实现复制省略/消除多余的拷贝/忽略不可观察的行为。
  • 其次(据我所知)在VS 2013中,for_each中的仿函数和generate中的生成器均按值传递(,没有签名接受r值引用),因此显然,这是复制的问题elision 保存多余的拷贝。

  • 重要的是,STL implementation in gcc也没有接受r值引用的签名(如果发现有r值引用,请通知我)
    template<typename _InputIterator, typename _Function>
    for_each(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _Function __f)
      // concept requirements
      __glibcxx_requires_valid_range(__first, __last);
      for (; __first != __last; ++__first)
      return _GLIBCXX_MOVE(__f);


    关于c++ - 调用C++/STL算法时消除不必要的拷贝,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23613574/


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