flash - 如何绕过 "Adobe Flash Player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation."?

标签 flash actionscript-3 urlloader urlrequest

我为 friend 的博客创建了一个降临节日历,为了获取/获取/下载每天的礼物,Flash 动画请求位于“http://domain.com/folder/etcetc/gifts.php”的文件。

在 Flash CS4 中创建文件并尝试时,我从未收到错误消息。但是当我尝试手动启动 .swf 时,出现以下错误:

Adobe Flash Player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation.

The following local application on your computer or network:


is trying to communicate with this Internet-enabled location:


To let this aplication communicate with the Internet, click Settings. You must restart the application after changing your settings.

有什么方法可以绕过这个问题,或者我可以使用任何其他方法来阻止显示此错误?我目前正在使用 URLLoaderURLRequest,有没有更好/更快/更有效的方法来执行此操作?


您必须将 swf 文件位置(只需 c:\或确切路径)添加到 Adobe FlashPlayer Settings Manager 中的受信任列表中为了允许本地 swf 连接互联网

关于flash - 如何绕过 "Adobe Flash Player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation."?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4083319/


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