python - 获取 MASK 位置中多标记词的概率

标签 python pytorch transformer-model bert-language-model huggingface-transformers


在下面的代码中,我添加了许多注释来解释正在发生的事情,以及打印出 print 语句的给定输出。您会发现,预测“爱”和“恨”等标记非常简单,因为它们位于标记生成器的词汇表中。但“谴责”则不然,因此无法在单个掩码位置中预测它 - 它由三个子词单元组成。那么我们如何预测蒙面位置的“斥责”呢?

from transformers import BertTokenizer, BertForMaskedLM
import torch

# init model and tokenizer
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased')
model = BertForMaskedLM.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased')
# init softmax to get probabilities later on
sm = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=0)

# set sentence with MASK token, convert to token_ids
sentence = f"I {tokenizer.mask_token} you"
token_ids = tokenizer.encode(sentence, return_tensors='pt')
# tensor([[ 101, 1045,  103, 2017,  102]])
# get the position of the masked token
masked_position = (token_ids.squeeze() == tokenizer.mask_token_id).nonzero().item()

# forward
output = model(token_ids)
last_hidden_state = output[0].squeeze(0)
# only get output for masked token
# output is the size of the vocabulary
mask_hidden_state = last_hidden_state[masked_position]
# convert to probabilities (softmax)
# giving a probability for each item in the vocabulary
probs = sm(mask_hidden_state)

# get probability of token 'hate'
hate_id = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids('hate')
print('hate probability', probs[hate_id].item())
# hate probability 0.008057191967964172

# get probability of token 'love'
love_id = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids('love')
print('love probability', probs[love_id].item())
# love probability 0.6704086065292358

# get probability of token 'reprimand' (?)
reprimand_id = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids('reprimand')
# reprimand is not in the vocabulary, so it needs to be split into subword units
# [UNK]

reprimand_id = tokenizer.encode('reprimand', add_special_tokens=False)
# ['rep', '##rim', '##and']
# but how do we now get the probability of a multi-token word in a single-token position?


由于字典中不存在分割词,BERT 根本不知道它的概率,因此在标记化之前没有必要对其进行屏蔽。

并且你无法利用链式法则得到它的概率,参见response作者:J.德夫林。为了说明这一点,让我们举一个更通用的例子。尝试估计位置i 中某些二元组的概率。虽然您可以估计给定句子中每个单词及其位置的概率

P(w_i|w_0, w_1...w_i-1, w_i+1, ..., w_N),

P(w_i+1|w_0, w_1... w_i, wi+2, ..., w_N),


P(w_i,w_i+1|w_0, w_1... w_i-1, wi+2, ..., w_N)

因为 BERT 不存储此类信息。

话虽如此,您可以通过乘以看到它的各个部分的概率来非常粗略估计 OOV 单词的概率。所以你会得到

P("谴责"|...) ~= P("代表"|...)*P("##rim"|...)*P("##and"| ...)


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