java - Android:通过 BLE 发送数据 >20 字节

标签 java android bluetooth-lowenergy

通过连接到外部 BLE 设备,我可以发送最多 20 个字节的数据。如何发送大于 20 字节的数据。我读过我们必须将数据分段或将特征拆分为所需的部分。如果我假设我的数据是 32 字节,你能告诉我我需要在代码中进行哪些更改才能使其正常工作吗?以下是我的代码中所需的 fragment :

public boolean send(byte[] data) {
    if (mBluetoothGatt == null || mBluetoothGattService == null) {
        Log.w(TAG, "BluetoothGatt not initialized");
        return false;

    BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic =

    if (characteristic == null) {
        Log.w(TAG, "Send characteristic not found");
        return false;

    return mBluetoothGatt.writeCharacteristic(characteristic);


sendValueButton = (Button) findViewById(;
    sendValueButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            String text = dataEdit.getText().toString();                           

String text 大于 20 个字节时,只接收前 20 个字节。如何解决这个问题?


sendValueButton = (Button) findViewById(;
sendValueButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View v) {
        String text = "Test1";                           

        text = "Test2";                           

        text = "Test3";                           

但我只收到“Test3”,即最后一个特征。我犯了什么错误?我是 BLE 新手,所以请忽略任何幼稚



两种方法可以实现这一点。 1.拆分您的数据并像所选答案一样循环写入。 2. 拆分数据并使用回调写入,即 onCharacterisitcWrite()。如果在编写过程中有任何错误,这将使您免于出错。

最重要的如果您只是在写而不是等待来自固件。这将确保您的所有数据都能到达。没有 sleep 我总是得到最后一个数据包。如果您注意到接受的答案,他也在两者之间使用了 sleep


BLE 最多允许传输 20 个字节。

如果你想发送超过 20 个字节,你应该定义数组 byte[] 来包含你想要多少个数据包。

如果您想发送少于 160 个字符(160 个字节),以下示例可以正常工作。

p/s :根据需要编辑以下内容。不要完全跟着我。

实际上,当我们使用BLE时,移动端和固件端需要设置Key(例如0x03 ...)来定义双方之间的连接门。


  • 当我们继续传输数据包时,不是最后一个。门是byte[1] = 0x01

  • 如果我们发送最后一个,门是byte[1] = 0x00


1 - Byte 1 - 定义 Gate ID :例如。消息门 ID byte[0] = 0x03.

2 - Byte 2 - 定义recognization:是最后一个包0x00还是继续发送包0x01 .

3 - Byte 3(去掉Byte 1 & Byte 2后应该是18个字节) - 在此附加消息内容。


下面是一个发送带有多个数据包的消息的示例,每个数据包是一个大小为 20 字节的数组。

private void sendMessage(BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic, String CHARACTERS){
        byte[] initial_packet = new byte[3];
         * Indicate byte
        initial_packet[0] = BLE.INITIAL_MESSAGE_PACKET;
        if (Long.valueOf(
                String.valueOf(CHARACTERS.length() + initial_packet.length))
                > BLE.DEFAULT_BYTES_VIA_BLE) {
            sendingContinuePacket(characteristic, initial_packet, CHARACTERS);
        } else {
            sendingLastPacket(characteristic, initial_packet, CHARACTERS);

private void sendingContinuePacket(BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic,
            byte[] initial_packet, String CHARACTERS){
         * TODO If data length > Default data can sent via BLE : 20 bytes
        // Check the data length is large how many times with Default Data (BLE)
        int times = Byte.valueOf(String.valueOf(

        Log.i(TAG, "CHARACTERS.length() " + CHARACTERS.length());
        Log.i(TAG, "times " + times);

        // TODO
        // 100 : Success
        // 101 : Error
        byte[] sending_continue_hex = new byte[BLE.DEFAULT_BYTES_IN_CONTINUE_PACKET];
        for (int time = 0; time <= times; time++) {
             * Wait second before sending continue packet 
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

            if (time == times) {
                Log.i(TAG, "LAST PACKET ");

                 * If you do not have enough characters to send continue packet,
                 * This is the last packet that will be sent to the band

                 * Packet length byte :
                 * Length of last packet
                int character_length = CHARACTERS.length()
                        - BLE.DEFAULT_BYTES_IN_CONTINUE_PACKET*times;

                initial_packet[1] = Byte.valueOf(String.valueOf(character_length
                        + BLE.INITIAL_MESSAGE_PACKET_LENGTH));
                initial_packet[2] = BLE.SENDING_LAST_PACKET;

                Log.i(TAG, "character_length " + character_length);

                 * Message
                // Hex file
                byte[] sending_last_hex = new byte[character_length];

                // Hex file : Get next bytes
                for (int i = 0; i < sending_last_hex.length; i++) {
                    sending_last_hex[i] = 
                            CHARACTERS.getBytes()[sending_continue_hex.length*time + i];

                // Merge byte[]
                byte[] last_packet = 
                        new byte[character_length + BLE.INITIAL_MESSAGE_PACKET_LENGTH];
                System.arraycopy(initial_packet, 0, last_packet,
                        0, initial_packet.length);
                System.arraycopy(sending_last_hex, 0, last_packet, 
                        initial_packet.length, sending_last_hex.length);

                // Set value for characteristic
            } else {
                Log.i(TAG, "CONTINUE PACKET ");
                 * If you have enough characters to send continue packet,
                 * This is the continue packet that will be sent to the band
                 * Packet length byte
                int character_length = sending_continue_hex.length;

                 * TODO Default Length : 20 Bytes
                initial_packet[1] = Byte.valueOf(String.valueOf(
                        character_length + BLE.INITIAL_MESSAGE_PACKET_LENGTH));

                 * If sent data length > 20 bytes (Default : BLE allow send 20 bytes one time)
                 * -> set 01 : continue sending next packet
                 * else or if after sent until data length < 20 bytes
                 * -> set 00 : last packet
                initial_packet[2] = BLE.SENDING_CONTINUE_PACKET;
                 * Message
                // Hex file : Get first 17 bytes
                for (int i = 0; i < sending_continue_hex.length; i++) {
                    Log.i(TAG, "Send stt : " 
                            + (sending_continue_hex.length*time + i));

                    // Get next bytes
                    sending_continue_hex[i] = 
                            CHARACTERS.getBytes()[sending_continue_hex.length*time + i];

                // Merge byte[]
                byte[] sending_continue_packet = 
                        new byte[character_length + BLE.INITIAL_MESSAGE_PACKET_LENGTH];
                System.arraycopy(initial_packet, 0, sending_continue_packet, 
                        0, initial_packet.length);
                System.arraycopy(sending_continue_hex, 0, sending_continue_packet, 
                        initial_packet.length, sending_continue_hex.length);

                // Set value for characteristic

            // Write characteristic via BLE

public boolean writeCharacteristic(BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic,
            String data) {
        if (mBluetoothAdapter == null || mBluetoothGatt == null) {
            Log.w(TAG, "BluetoothAdapter not initialized");
            return false;

        if (ActivityBLEController.IS_FIRST_TIME) {
             * In the first time, 
             * should send the Title
            byte[] merge_title = sendTitle(data);

            // Set value for characteristic

            // Write characteristic via BLE

            // Reset
            ActivityBLEController.IS_FIRST_TIME = false;

            return true;
        } else {
             * In the second time, 
             * should send the Message
            if (data.length() <= BLE.LIMIT_CHARACTERS) {
                sendMessage(characteristic, data);

                // Reset
                ActivityBLEController.IS_FIRST_TIME = true; 

                return true;
            } else {
                // Typed character
                typed_character = data.length();

                return false;

关于java - Android:通过 BLE 发送数据 >20 字节,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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