java - MongoDB Java CodecConfigurationException 找不到公共(public)构造函数

标签 java mongodb

我正在尝试创建一个 Java 程序,例如从 MongoDB 读取和写入复杂对象...

public class GameCharacter {
    public String name;
    public Weapon weapon;
    public Armor armor;

    public GameCharacter(String name, Weapon weapon, Armor armor) { = name;
        this.weapon = weapon;
        this.armor = armor;


        CodecRegistry defaultCodecRegistry = MongoClient.getDefaultCodecRegistry();
        PojoCodecProvider pojoCodecProvider = PojoCodecProvider.builder().automatic(true).build();
        CodecRegistry pojoCodecRegistry = fromRegistries(defaultCodecRegistry, fromProviders(pojoCodecProvider));

        MongoDatabase characterDatabase = mongoDatabaseConnectionPool.getDatabase(CHARACTER_DATABASE_NAME);
        characterDatabase = characterDatabase.withCodecRegistry(pojoCodecRegistry);
        MongoCollection<GameCharacter> characterCollection = characterDatabase.getCollection(CHARACTER_COLLECTION_NAME, GameCharacter.class);

        Character testCharacter = new Character ("Sylvia Zerin", testWeapon, testArmor);

...但是,当尝试再次从该数据库读取 GameCharacter 时,如下所示:

        FindIterable<GameCharacter> characters = characterCollection.find();


org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecConfigurationException: An exception occurred when decoding using the AutomaticPojoCodec.
Decoding into a 'GameCharacter' failed with the following exception:

Cannot find a public constructor for 'GameCharacter'.

A custom Codec or PojoCodec may need to be explicitly configured and registered to handle this type.

这让我感到困惑,因为我为 GameCharacter 类提供了一个公共(public)构造函数。我不清楚为什么程序找不到它。

遵循this question中的答案,我还尝试了以下方法来设置编解码器:

        ClassModel<GameCharacter> gameCharacterClassModel = ClassModel.builder(GameCharacter.class).enableDiscriminator(true).build();

        CodecRegistry defaultCodecRegistry = MongoClient.getDefaultCodecRegistry();
        CodecRegistry pojoCodecRegistry = fromRegistries(defaultCodecRegistry, fromProviders(PojoCodecProvider.builder().register(gameCharacterClassModel).automatic(true).build()));
        return pojoCodecRegistry;


org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecConfigurationException: Cannot find a public constructor for 'GameCharacter'.

我需要做什么才能再次从 MongoDB 检索 GameCharacterObject?




By default all POJOs must include a public or protected, empty, no arguments, constructor.

因此,可以通过将 GameCharacter 类更改为如下所示来解决该问题:

public class GameCharacter {
    public String name;
    public Weapon weapon;
    public Armor armor;

    public GameCharacter() {

    public GameCharacter(String name, Weapon weapon, Armor armor) { = name;
        this.weapon = weapon;
        this.armor = armor;

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