python - 将遵循一个方向的一组点组合在一起的算法

标签 python image algorithm matlab image-processing

注意:我将这个问题放在 MATLAB 和 Python 标签中,因为我最精通这些语言。但是,我欢迎任何语言的解决方案。


我用鱼眼镜头拍了一张照片。该图像由带有一堆方形对象的图案组成。我想要对这个图像做的是检测每个正方形的质心,然后使用这些点来执行图像的不失真 - 具体来说,我正在寻找正确的失真模型参数。应该注意的是,并不是所有的方块都需要被检测到。只要他们中的大多数是,那完全没问题……但这不是这篇文章的重点。参数估计算法我已经写好了,但问题是它需要在图像中出现共线的点。



这对于我提出的问题并不重要,但如果您想知道我从哪里获得数据并进一步了解我提出的问题,请阅读。如果你不感兴趣,那么你可以直接跳到问题设置 以下部分。


enter image description here

它是一个 960 x 960 的图像。图像最初的分辨率更高,但我对图像进行了二次采样以加快处理时间。如您所见,图像中散布着一堆方形图案。此外,我计算的质心是关于上述二次采样图像的。


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  • 将步骤 #4 中所有检测到的质心放入矩阵中以供进一步检查。

  • 这是上图的示例结果。每个检测到的正方形都有四个点,根据它相对于正方形本身的位置进行颜色编码。对于我检测到的每个质心,我会在该质心在图像本身的位置写一个 ID。

    enter image description here

    通过上图,检测到 37 个方块。


    假设我有一些图像像素点存储在 N x 3 中矩阵。前两列是 x (水平)和 y (垂直)坐标在图像坐标空间中,y坐标是 倒置 ,这意味着正 y向下移动。第三列是与点关联的 ID。

    下面是一些用 MATLAB 编写的代码,它们获取这些点,将它们绘制到 2D 网格上,并用矩阵的第三列标记每个点。如果你阅读了上述背景,这些就是我上面概述的算法检测到的点。
    data = [ 475.  ,  605.75,    1.;
           571.  ,  586.5 ,    2.;
           233.  ,  558.5 ,    3.;
           669.5 ,  562.75,    4.;
           291.25,  546.25,    5.;
           759.  ,  536.25,    6.;
           362.5 ,  531.5 ,    7.;
           448.  ,  513.5 ,    8.;
           834.5 ,  510.  ,    9.;
           897.25,  486.  ,   10.;
           545.5 ,  491.25,   11.;
           214.5 ,  481.25,   12.;
           271.25,  463.  ,   13.;
           646.5 ,  466.75,   14.;
           739.  ,  442.75,   15.;
           340.5 ,  441.5 ,   16.;
           817.75,  421.5 ,   17.;
           423.75,  417.75,   18.;
           202.5 ,  406.  ,   19.;
           519.25,  392.25,   20.;
           257.5 ,  382.  ,   21.;
           619.25,  368.5 ,   22.;
           148.  ,  359.75,   23.;
           324.5 ,  356.  ,   24.;
           713.  ,  347.75,   25.;
           195.  ,  335.  ,   26.;
           793.5 ,  332.5 ,   27.;
           403.75,  328.  ,   28.;
           249.25,  308.  ,   29.;
           495.5 ,  300.75,   30.;
           314.  ,  279.  ,   31.;
           764.25,  249.5 ,   32.;
           389.5 ,  249.5 ,   33.;
           475.  ,  221.5 ,   34.;
           565.75,  199.  ,   35.;
           802.75,  173.75,   36.;
           733.  ,  176.25,   37.];
    figure; hold on;
    axis ij;
    scatter(data(:,1), data(:,2),40, 'r.');
    text(data(:,1)+10, data(:,2)+10, num2str(data(:,3)));

    同样在 Python 中,使用 numpymatplotlib , 我们有:
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    data = np.array([[ 475.  ,  605.75,    1.  ],
       [ 571.  ,  586.5 ,    2.  ],
       [ 233.  ,  558.5 ,    3.  ],
       [ 669.5 ,  562.75,    4.  ],
       [ 291.25,  546.25,    5.  ],
       [ 759.  ,  536.25,    6.  ],
       [ 362.5 ,  531.5 ,    7.  ],
       [ 448.  ,  513.5 ,    8.  ],
       [ 834.5 ,  510.  ,    9.  ],
       [ 897.25,  486.  ,   10.  ],
       [ 545.5 ,  491.25,   11.  ],
       [ 214.5 ,  481.25,   12.  ],
       [ 271.25,  463.  ,   13.  ],
       [ 646.5 ,  466.75,   14.  ],
       [ 739.  ,  442.75,   15.  ],
       [ 340.5 ,  441.5 ,   16.  ],
       [ 817.75,  421.5 ,   17.  ],
       [ 423.75,  417.75,   18.  ],
       [ 202.5 ,  406.  ,   19.  ],
       [ 519.25,  392.25,   20.  ],
       [ 257.5 ,  382.  ,   21.  ],
       [ 619.25,  368.5 ,   22.  ],
       [ 148.  ,  359.75,   23.  ],
       [ 324.5 ,  356.  ,   24.  ],
       [ 713.  ,  347.75,   25.  ],
       [ 195.  ,  335.  ,   26.  ],
       [ 793.5 ,  332.5 ,   27.  ],
       [ 403.75,  328.  ,   28.  ],
       [ 249.25,  308.  ,   29.  ],
       [ 495.5 ,  300.75,   30.  ],
       [ 314.  ,  279.  ,   31.  ],
       [ 764.25,  249.5 ,   32.  ],
       [ 389.5 ,  249.5 ,   33.  ],
       [ 475.  ,  221.5 ,   34.  ],
       [ 565.75,  199.  ,   35.  ],
       [ 802.75,  173.75,   36.  ],
       [ 733.  ,  176.25,   37.  ]])
    plt.plot(data[:,0], data[:,1], 'r.', markersize=14)
    for idx in np.arange(data.shape[0]):
        plt.text(data[idx,0]+10, data[idx,1]+10, str(int(data[idx,2])), size='large')


    enter image description here



    例如,如果您引用我问题的背景部分中的图像,我们可以看到有 5 组点可以按水平方式分组。例如,点 23、26、29、31、33、34、35、37 和 36 形成一组。点 19、21、24、28、30 和 32 形成另一个组,依此类推。同样在垂直意义上,我们可以看到点 26、19、12 和 3 形成一组,点 29、21、13 和 5 形成另一组,依此类推。



  • 那里必须至少为三个 每行点数。如果低于此值,则这不符合分割的条件。因此,点 36 和 10 不符合垂直线的条件,类似地,孤立点 23 不应该是垂直线,但它是第一个水平分组的一部分。
  • 上述校准图案可以是任何方向。但是,对于我正在处理的内容,您可以获得的最糟糕的方向是您在背景部分中看到的内容。

  • 预期产出

    输出将是一对列表,其中第一个列表包含元素,其中每个元素为您提供形成水平线的点 ID 序列。类似地,第二个列表具有元素,其中每个元素为您提供形成垂直线的点 ID 序列。


    horiz_list = {[23, 26, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 37, 36], [19, 21, 24, 28, 30, 32], ...};
    vert_list = {[26, 19, 12, 3], [29, 21, 13, 5], ....};

    horiz_list = [[23, 26, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 37, 36], [19, 21, 24, 28, 30, 32], ....]
    vert_list = [[26, 19, 12, 3], [29, 21, 13, 5], ...]


    从算法上讲,我尝试的是撤消在这些点上经历的旋转。我已经表演过 Principal Components Analysis我尝试相对于计算出的正交基向量投影点,以便这些点或多或少位于直矩形网格上。

    一旦我有了它,这只是做一些扫描线处理的简单问题,您可以根据水平或垂直坐标上的差异变化对点进行分组。您可以按 x 对坐标进行排序。或 y值,然后检查这些排序的坐标并寻找大的变化。遇到此更改后,您可以将更改之间的点组合在一起以形成您的线条。对每个维度执行此操作将为您提供水平或垂直分组。

    关于 PCA,这是我在 MATLAB 和 Python 中所做的:

    %# Step #1 - Get just the data - no IDs
    data_raw = data(:,1:2);
    %# Decentralize mean
    data_nomean = bsxfun(@minus, data_raw, mean(data_raw,1));
    %# Step #2 - Determine covariance matrix
    %# This already decentralizes the mean
    cov_data = cov(data_raw);
    %# Step #3 - Determine right singular vectors
    [~,~,V] = svd(cov_data);
    %# Step #4 - Transform data with respect to basis
    F = V.'*data_nomean.';
    %# Visualize both the original data points and transformed data
    plot(F(1,:), F(2,:), 'b.', 'MarkerSize', 14);
    axis ij;
    hold on;
    plot(data(:,1), data(:,2), 'r.', 'MarkerSize', 14);

    import numpy as np
    import numpy.linalg as la
    # Step #1 and Step #2 - Decentralize mean
    centroids_raw = data[:,:2]
    mean_data = np.mean(centroids_raw, axis=0)
    # Transpose for covariance calculation
    data_nomean = (centroids_raw - mean_data).T
    # Step #3 - Determine covariance matrix
    # Doesn't matter if you do this on the decentralized result
    # or the normal result - cov subtracts the mean off anyway
    cov_data = np.cov(data_nomean)
    # Step #4 - Determine right singular vectors via SVD
    # Note - This is already V^T, so there's no need to transpose
    _,_,V = la.svd(cov_data)
    # Step #5 - Transform data with respect to basis
    data_transform =, data_nomean).T
    plt.plot(data[:,0], data[:,1], 'b.', markersize=14)
    plt.plot(data_transform[:,0], data_transform[:,1], 'r.', markersize=14)


    enter image description here






    注意 1:它有许多设置 -> 对于其他图像可能需要更改以获得您想要的结果,请参阅 % 设置 - 使用这些值

    注意 2:它没有找到您想要的所有行 -> 但它是一个起点....


    >> [h, v] = testLines;

    >> celldisp(h)
    h{1} =
         1     2     4     6     9    10
    h{2} =
         3     5     7     8    11    14    15    17
    h{3} =
         1     2     4     6     9    10
    h{4} =
         3     5     7     8    11    14    15    17
    h{5} =
         1     2     4     6     9    10
    h{6} =
         3     5     7     8    11    14    15    17
    h{7} =
         3     5     7     8    11    14    15    17
    h{8} =
         1     2     4     6     9    10
    h{9} =
         1     2     4     6     9    10
    h{10} =
        12    13    16    18    20    22    25    27
    h{11} =
        13    16    18    20    22    25    27
    h{12} =
         3     5     7     8    11    14    15    17
    h{13} =
         3     5     7     8    11    14    15
    h{14} =
        12    13    16    18    20    22    25    27
    h{15} =
         3     5     7     8    11    14    15    17
    h{16} =
        12    13    16    18    20    22    25    27
    h{17} =
        19    21    24    28    30
    h{18} =
        21    24    28    30
    h{19} =
        12    13    16    18    20    22    25    27
    h{20} =
        19    21    24    28    30
    h{21} =
        12    13    16    18    20    22    24    25
    h{22} =
        12    13    16    18    20    22    24    25    27
    h{23} =
        23    26    29    31    33    34    35
    h{24} =
        23    26    29    31    33    34    35    37
    h{25} =
        23    26    29    31    33    34    35    36    37
    h{26} =
        33    34    35    37    36
    h{27} =
        31    33    34    35    37
    >> celldisp(v)
    v{1} =
        33    28    18     8     1
    v{2} =
        34    30    20    11     2
    v{3} =
        26    19    12     3
    v{4} =
        35    22    14     4
    v{5} =
        29    21    13     5
    v{6} =
        25    15     6
    v{7} =
        31    24    16     7
    v{8} =
        37    32    27    17     9


    enter image description here
    function [horiz_list, vert_list] = testLines
    global counter;
    global colours; 
    close all;
    data = [ 475.  ,  605.75,    1.;
           571.  ,  586.5 ,    2.;
           233.  ,  558.5 ,    3.;
           669.5 ,  562.75,    4.;
           291.25,  546.25,    5.;
           759.  ,  536.25,    6.;
           362.5 ,  531.5 ,    7.;
           448.  ,  513.5 ,    8.;
           834.5 ,  510.  ,    9.;
           897.25,  486.  ,   10.;
           545.5 ,  491.25,   11.;
           214.5 ,  481.25,   12.;
           271.25,  463.  ,   13.;
           646.5 ,  466.75,   14.;
           739.  ,  442.75,   15.;
           340.5 ,  441.5 ,   16.;
           817.75,  421.5 ,   17.;
           423.75,  417.75,   18.;
           202.5 ,  406.  ,   19.;
           519.25,  392.25,   20.;
           257.5 ,  382.  ,   21.;
           619.25,  368.5 ,   22.;
           148.  ,  359.75,   23.;
           324.5 ,  356.  ,   24.;
           713.  ,  347.75,   25.;
           195.  ,  335.  ,   26.;
           793.5 ,  332.5 ,   27.;
           403.75,  328.  ,   28.;
           249.25,  308.  ,   29.;
           495.5 ,  300.75,   30.;
           314.  ,  279.  ,   31.;
           764.25,  249.5 ,   32.;
           389.5 ,  249.5 ,   33.;
           475.  ,  221.5 ,   34.;
           565.75,  199.  ,   35.;
           802.75,  173.75,   36.;
           733.  ,  176.25,   37.];
    figure; hold on;
    axis ij;
    % Change due to Benoit_11
    scatter(data(:,1), data(:,2),40, 'r.'); text(data(:,1)+10, data(:,2)+10, num2str(data(:,3)));
    text(data(:,1)+10, data(:,2)+10, num2str(data(:,3)));
    % Process your data as above then run the function below(note it has sub functions)
    counter = 0;
    colours = 'bgrcmy';
    [horiz_list, vert_list] = findClosestPoints ( data(:,1), data(:,2) );
    function [horiz_list, vert_list] = findClosestPoints ( x, y )
      % calc length of points
      nX = length(x);
      % set up place holder flags
      modelledH = false(nX,1);
      modelledV = false(nX,1);
      horiz_list = {};
      vert_list = {};
      % loop for all points
      for p=1:nX
        % have we already modelled a horizontal line through these?
        % second last param - true - horizontal, false - vertical
        if modelledH(p)==false
          [modelledH, index] = ModelPoints ( p, x, y, modelledH, true, true );
          horiz_list = [horiz_list index];
          [~, index] = ModelPoints ( p, x, y, modelledH, true, false );
          horiz_list = [horiz_list index];
        % make a temp copy of the x and y and remove any of the points modelled 
        %  from the horizontal -> this  is to avoid them being found in the 
        %  second call.
        tempX = x;
        tempY = y;
        tempX(index) = NaN;
        tempY(index) = NaN;
        tempX(p) = x(p);
        tempY(p) = y(p);
        % Have we found a vertial line?
        if modelledV(p)==false
          [modelledV, index] = ModelPoints ( p, tempX, tempY, modelledV, false, true );
          vert_list = [vert_list index];
    function [modelled, index] = ModelPoints ( p, x, y, modelled, method, fullRun )
      % p - row in your original data matrix
      % x - data(:,1)
      % y - data(:,2)
      % modelled - array of flags to whether rows have been modelled
      % method   - horizontal or vertical (used to calc graadients)
      % fullRun  - full calc or just to get indexes 
      %            this could be made better by storing the indexes of each horizontal in the method above
      % Settings - play around with these values 
      gradDelta = 0.2;  % find points where gradient is less than this value
      gradLimit = 0.45; % if mean gradient of line is above this ignore
      numberOfPointsToCheck = 7; % number of points to check when look along the line
                            % to find other points (this reduces chance of it
                            % finding other points far away
                            %  I optimised this for your example to be 7
                            %  Try varying it and you will see how it effect the result.
      % Find the index of points which are inline.
      [index, grad] = CalcIndex ( x, y, p, gradDelta, method );
      % check gradient of line
      if abs(mean(grad))>gradLimit
        index = [];
      % add point of interest to index
      index = [p index];
      % loop through all points found above to find any other points which are in
      %  line with these points (this allows for slight curvature
      combineIndex = [];
      for ii=2:length(index)
        % Find inedex of the points found above (find points on curve)
        [index2] = CalcIndex ( x, y, index(ii), gradDelta, method, numberOfPointsToCheck, grad(ii-1) );
        % Check that the point on this line are on the original (i.e. inline -> not at large angle
        if any(ismember(index,index2))
          % store points found
          combineIndex = unique([index2 combineIndex]);
      % copy to index
      index = combineIndex;
      if fullRun
        %  do some plotting
        %  TODO: here you would need to calculate your arrays to output.
        xx = x(index);
        [sX,sOrder] = sort(xx);
        % Check its found at least 3 points
        if length ( index(sOrder) ) > 2
          % flag the modelled on the points found
          modelled(index(sOrder)) = true;
          % plot the data
          plot ( x(index(sOrder)), y(index(sOrder)), colours(mod(counter,numel(colours)) + 1));
          counter = counter + 1;
        index = index(sOrder);
    function [index, gradCheck] = CalcIndex ( x, y, p, gradLimit, method, nPoints2Consider, refGrad )
      % x - data(:,1)
      % y - data(:,2)
      % p - point of interest
      % method (x/y) or (y\x)
      % nPoints2Consider - only look at N points (options)
      % refgrad          - rather than looking for gradient of closest point -> use this
      %                  - reference gradient to find similar points (finds points on curve)
      nX = length(x);
      % calculate gradient
      for g=1:nX
        if method
          grad(g) = (x(g)-x(p))\(y(g)-y(p));
          grad(g) = (y(g)-y(p))\(x(g)-x(p));
      % find distance to all other points
      delta = sqrt ( (x-x(p)).^2 + (y-y(p)).^2 );
      % set its self = NaN
      delta(delta==min(delta)) = NaN;
      % find the closest points
      [m,order] = sort(delta);
      if nargin == 7
        % for finding along curve
        % set any far away points to be NaN
        grad(order(nPoints2Consider+1:end)) = NaN;
        % find the closest points to the reference gradient within the allowable limit
        index = find(abs(grad-refGrad)<gradLimit==1);
        % store output
        gradCheck = grad(index);
        % find the points which are closes to the gradient of the closest point
        index = find(abs(grad-grad(order(1)))<gradLimit==1);
        % store gradients to output
        gradCheck = grad(index);

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