使用 Jackson 序列化 JSON 的 Java 类实现

标签 java json serialization jackson microsoft-teams

我正在尝试在 Java 应用程序中实现 Microsoft Teams API 的一部分,并且在使用 Jackson 库将 Java 对象序列化为 JSON 时,我正在寻找有关正确 Java 类结构和体系结构的一些建议。目标是在某些阶段完成时向 Teams channel 发送消息。

我有一个测试类,它序列化为我想要的确切 JSON,但基于我见过的其他实现,下面的代码感觉结构不正确且不灵活。

我期望得到的 JSON 结构如下:

  "@context": "http://schema.org/extensions",
  "@type": "MessageCard",
  "correlationId": "104443c6-7acc-11ea-bc55-0242ac130003",
  "summary": "test.complete",
  "themeColor": "0076D7",
  "sections": [
      "activityTitle": "Test Notification"
      "title": "Execution Status",
      "facts": [
          "name": "Build Number",
          "value": "1"
          "name": "Description",
          "value": "Test Pipeline Description"
          "name": "Execution Name",
          "value": "Test Pipeline Name"
          "name": "Stage Name",
          "Value": "Deploy"
          "name": "Status",
          "value": "complete"
          "name": "Summary",
          "value": "pipeline has completed successfully"
  "potentialAction": [
      "@context": "http://schema.org",
      "@type": "ViewAction",
      "name": "View Execution",
      "target": [

我的测试 Java 类如下:

import java.util.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.*;

public class JacksonSerializerTest {
  private static String ACTIVITY_TITLE = "Test Notifications";
  private static String FACTS_TITLE = "Execution Status";

  public String context = "http://schema.org/extensions";

  public String type = "MessageCard";

  public String correlationId;
  public String summary;
  public String themeColor;

  private transient HashMap<String, Object> metadata;

  public JacksonSerializerTest(HashMap<String, Object> metadata) {
    this.correlationId = this.createRandomUUID();
    this.summary = "test.complete";
    this.themeColor = "0076D7";

    this.metadata = metadata;

  public List<HashMap> getSections() {
    List<HashMap> sections = new ArrayList<>();
    HashMap<String, Object> activityTitle = this.getSection("activityTitle", ACTIVITY_TITLE);


    return sections;

  public HashMap<String, Object> getSection(String name, Object obj) {
    HashMap<String, Object> section = new HashMap<>();

    section.put(name, obj);

    return section;

  private HashMap<String, Object> getFacts() {
    HashMap<String, Object> facts = new HashMap<>();
    List<HashMap> factsList = new ArrayList<>();

    factsList.add((HashMap)this.getFact("Build Number", (String)metadata.get("buildNumber")));
    factsList.add((HashMap)this.getFact("Description", (String)metadata.get("description")));
    factsList.add((HashMap)this.getFact("Execution Name", (String)metadata.get("executionName")));
    factsList.add((HashMap)this.getFact("Stage Name", (String)metadata.get("eventName")));
    factsList.add((HashMap)this.getFact("Status", (String)metadata.get("executionStatus")));
    factsList.add((HashMap)this.getFact("Summary", (String)metadata.get("executionSummary")));

    facts.put("title", FACTS_TITLE);
    facts.put("facts", factsList);

    return facts;

  public HashMap<String, String> getFact(String name, String value) {
    HashMap<String, String> fact = new HashMap<>();

    fact.put("name", name);
    fact.put("value", value);

    return fact;

  public List<HashMap> getPotentialAction() {
    List<HashMap> potentialAction = new ArrayList<>();
    HashMap<String, Object> action = new HashMap<>();
    ArrayList<String> targets = new ArrayList<>();


    action.put("@context", "http://schema.org");
    action.put("@type", "ViewAction");
    action.put("name", "View Execution");
    action.put("target", targets);


    return potentialAction;

  private static String createRandomUUID() {
    return UUID.randomUUID().toString();


到目前为止,我并不打算实现整个 API,而是希望获得特定的消息卡结构,如上面的 JSON 中所示。不过,我们可能希望在以后添加其他功能或具有不同的消息类型。

如果我们确实需要基于 Teams API 添加其他元素,如何改进此类以及如何构造该 Java 对象以使其更加灵活?


您可以首先为 PotentialAction 和部分创建单独的类。这是为了确保关注点分离。像这样的东西:

class PotentialAction { 
  private List<HashMap> potentialAction;
  //all business logic to generate Potential Action goes in this class

class Sections {
 private List<HashMap> sections;
 //all business logic to generate Sections goes in this class

然后,您创建一个具有每个 api 的最低要求(如元数据)的抽象类

abstract class APICommon {
 //compulsory attributes required by all api's
 private String accessToken;

现在定义 API 特定类来扩展该抽象类

class API1 extends APICommon {
 // all the api specific attributes
  public String correlationId;
  public String summary;
  public String themeColor;
  private PotentialAction potentialAction;
  private Sections sections;


  1. 通过将潜在的操作和部分分离到不同的类中,用于制作 JSON 不同部分的业务逻辑现在被分离,这不仅使代码变得干净,而且可以为不同的 api 重用。

  2. 如果您有其他要求并且需要支持新的 api,您所需要做的就是从我们的抽象类 APICommon 扩展另一个类。这可以确保早期的实现不受影响并使您的设计具有可扩展性。


关于使用 Jackson 序列化 JSON 的 Java 类实现,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61254483/


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