Java Swing GUI 更新/更改方法 - 卡住在循环中

标签 java swing user-interface

基本上,我有这段代码最初与控制台 I/O 一起使用,现在我必须将其连接到UI。这可能是完全错误的,我已经尝试了多种方法,但最终仍然卡住了 GUI。

我尝试将控制台 I/O 重定向到 GUI 滚动 Pane ,但 GUI 仍然卡住。可能它必须对线程做一些事情,但我对它的了解有限,所以我需要更深入的解释如何在当前情况下实现它。

This is the button on GUI class containing the method that needs to change this GUI.

public class GUI {
btnNext.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

                controller.startTest(index, idUser);


This is the method startTest from another class which contains instance of Question class.

public int startTest()  {

    for (int i = 0; i < this.numberofQuestions; i++) {
        Question qt = this.q[i];
            qt.askQuestion(); <--- This needs to change Label in GUI

        if(!qt.userAnswer())  <--- This needs to get string from TextField


   return actScore();


askQuestion method:

   public void askQuestion() {
    /* I've tried to change staticaly declared frame in GUI from there */


userAnswer method:

 public boolean userAnswer() {
    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

    if( Objects.equals(getAnswer(),userInput) ) {
        return true;

    return false;





当您尝试在 swing 线程中执行需要很长时间处理的代码(例如下载大文件)时,swing 线程将暂停以完成执行并导致 GUI 卡住。这是通过在单独的线程中执行长时间运行的代码来解决的。

Sergiy Medvynskyy在他的评论中指出,您需要实现 SwingWorker 中长时间运行的代码类。


public class TestWorker extends SwingWorker<Integer, String> {

  protected Integer doInBackground() throws Exception {
    //This is where you execute the long running
    controller.startTest(index, idUser);

  protected void process(List<String> chunks) {
    //Called when the task has finished executing.
    //This is where you can update your GUI when
    //the task is complete or when you want to
    //notify the user of a change.


This网站提供了一个关于如何使用的很好的例子 SwingWorker 类。

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