java - 想要生成随机坐标集(Java/Swing)

标签 java

我有一个像这样的 Java 程序 ( )。它是继示例 2 之后的面向对象的版本,但有一些细微的变化。


因此坐标需要的最小距离为 2 * ballRadius。

我只得到了距离为 2 * ballRadius 的以太坐标,但是 x 和 y 只有唯一的坐标。所以我每个可用的 y 坐标只有一个球。 Example红色圆圈处可能有一个球,但左边的那个球“阻挡”了 y 坐标。



    int uniqueXY[][] = new int[ballCount][2];
    for (int i = 0; i < ballCount; i++) {
        int tempx = 0;
        int tempy = 0;
        Boolean foundX = true;
        Boolean foundY = true;
        while(foundX && foundY) {
            tempx = (int) (Math.random() * field.maxX); // generate random number in range of filed
            tempy = (int) (Math.random() * field.maxY);

            for (int j = 0; j < ballCount; j++) { // Here it should check if the number is within the given rules
                if ((uniqueXY[j][0] - (2 * ballRadius) > tempx) || (uniqueXY[j][0] + (2 * ballRadius) < tempx)) {   
                    foundX = false;
                } else {
                    foundX = true;
                    if ((uniqueXY[j][1] - (2 * ballRadius) > tempy) || (uniqueXY[j][1] + (2 * ballRadius) < tempy)) {
                        foundY = false;
                        foundX = false;
                    } else {
                        foundY = true;

        uniqueXY[i][0] = tempx;
        uniqueXY[i][1] = tempy;



它计算每个设定坐标与临时坐标之间的距离。在大多数情况下,它工作得很好,但如果我强调代码并强制使用大量球,它就会表现得很尴尬。 Example with 400 balls只有边界处的球才会被迫聚集在一起。

int uniqueXY[][] = new int[ballCount][2];

    for (int k = 0; k < ballCount; k++) {
        Boolean found = true;
        while(found) {

            int tempX = (int) (Math.random() * field.maxX); //create rnd x/y in range of field
            int tempY = (int) (Math.random() * field.maxY);

            if (k == 0) {       // first case gets set, because nothing to compare
                uniqueXY[k][0] = tempX;
                uniqueXY[k][1] = tempY;
                found = false;
            for (int j = 0; j < k; j++) {   //calculates distance between every set coordinate and the temp
                int erg1 = (int) (Math.pow(uniqueXY[j][0] - tempX, 2));
                int erg2 = (int) (Math.pow(uniqueXY[j][1] - tempY, 2));
                int distance = (int) Math.sqrt(erg1 + erg2);
                if (distance < 60) { // if distance between coordinates < 60 temp gets discarded
                    found = true;
                if (j == k - 1) { // if every set case is checked and distance was always fine, temp gets set
                    uniqueXY[k][0] = tempX;
                    uniqueXY[k][1] = tempY;
                    found = false;

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