java - 使用类层次结构中的某些子类

标签 java oop generics inheritance


public class A {

class B extends A {

    public foo getFoo() {
      returns _foo;

there also exist other classes children of A having the same method

class C extends A {
      public foo getFoo() { returns _foo; }

So, the method `foo` doesn't exist in parent class, however, it exists in all children classes. 

Is there a way in Java to not directly specify which child class will be called however use a generic way (I believe in Scala it's [T < A]).

So that I can use it like this:

void Bar(`[some child class of A]` childOfA){
   childOfA.getFoo(); // Now this would return either getFoo() of A or B



现在,你可以做什么,更改父类,并添加 abstract方法那里。这将确保该方法始终存在于子类或其进一步的子类中(如果子类是抽象的)。

abstract class A {
     public abstract Foo getFoo();

class C extends A {
   public Foo getFoo(){
     // your code


void <T extends A> bar(T childOfA){

在这里,<T extends A>将确保你的论点应该是 A 的子类。

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