c++ - 为什么保守函数允许未定义的行为?

标签 c++ undefined-behavior c++20 consteval

C++ 中的常量表达式有一个非常简洁的属性:它们的求值不能有未定义的行为 ( ):

An expression e is a core constant expression unless the evaluation of e, following the rules of the abstract machine ([intro.execution]), would evaluate one of the following:

  • ...

  • an operation that would have undefined behavior as specified in [intro] through [cpp] of this document [ Note: including, for example, signed integer overflow ([expr.prop]), certain pointer arithmetic ([expr.add]), division by zero, or certain shift operations — end note ] ;

确实尝试将 13! 的值存储在 constexpr intyields a nice compile error :

constexpr int f(int n) 
    int r = n--;
    for (; n > 1; --n) r *= n;
    return r;

int main() 
    constexpr int x = f(13);
    return x;


9:19: error: constexpr variable 'x' must be initialized by a constant expression
    constexpr int x = f(13);
                  ^   ~~~~~
4:26: note: value 3113510400 is outside the range of representable values of type 'int'
    for (; n > 1; --n) r *= n;
9:23: note: in call to 'f(3)'
    constexpr int x = f(13);
1 error generated.


然后,我从 x 中删除 constexpr,但将 f 设为 consteval。根据the docs :

consteval - specifies that a function is an immediate function, that is, every call to the function must produce a compile-time constant

我确实希望这样的程序会再次导致编译错误。但相反,the program compiles and runs with UB .




这是一个编译器错误。或者,更准确地说,这是一个“未实现”的功能(请参阅 the comment in bugzilla ):

Yup - seems consteval isn't implemented yet, according to: https://clang.llvm.org/cxx_status.html

(the keyword's probably been added but not the actual implementation support)

关于c++ - 为什么保守函数允许未定义的行为?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58454657/


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