
标签 java input switch-statement

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;

public class Main {

    public static void main (String[] args) {

        System.out.println("Enter Any one number from following list to carry out Equation  ");
        System.out.println("1.Add ");
        System.out.println("2.Subtract ");
        System.out.println("3.Divide ");
        System.out.println("4.Multiply ");
        Scanner in=new Scanner(;
        int read=in.nextInt();

        System.out.println("Enter 2 number for Equation ");
        double a=in.nextDouble();
        double b=in.nextDouble();
        double r;
        switch (read) {
            case 1 -> r = a + b;
            case 2 -> r = a - b;
            case 3 -> r = a / b;
            case 4 -> r = a * b;
            default -> {
                System.out.println("Error! Select from 1 to 4 ");
        System.out.println("Result of Equation is:  "+r);


如果我选择任何大于 4 的数字。 switch case 不退出并要求用户输入 2 次,并在输入数字后 switch case 退出。 如果我选择大于 4 的数字,我应该怎么做才能让 switch case 退出?


如果您希望跳过 ab 的输入,则执行顺序是错误的 尝试添加条件 if block

double a;
double b;
if( 0 < r && r < 5) {
  a = in.nextDouble();
  b = in.nextDouble();

关于java菜单程序切换大小写避免退出如果从菜单中选择了数字,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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