rest - AngularJS $resource 创建新对象而不是更新对象

标签 rest angularjs

// Set up the $resource
$scope.Users = $resource("http://localhost/users/:id");

// Retrieve the user who has id=1
$scope.user = $scope.Users.get({ id : 1 }); // returns existing user

// Results

// Change this user's name
$ = "New name";

// Attempt to save the change 

// Results calls POST /users and not PUT /users/1
{"created_at":"2013-03-03T23:25:03Z","id":2,"name":"New name","updated_at":"2013-03-03T23:25:03Z"}

我希望这会导致 PUT 到/users/1 并更改属性。但它改为 POST 到/users 并创建一个新用户(使用新 ID 和新名称)。


AngularJS v1.0.5



$scope.Users = $resource("http://localhost/users/:id",{id:'@id'});

这应该有效, 问候

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