java - 如何在onBindViewHolder方法中管理字符串数组?

标签 java android android-studio android-recyclerview

我有一个餐厅应用程序,我想将我的产品菜单构建为回收 View ,在每个卡片 View 中包含图像、名称、成分、价格和其他按钮。我在构建字符串成分数组时遇到问题,因为我想根据每个产品的 Firebase 数据添加它们。这是我的产品类别:

public class MenuObject {
private String image, name, quantity,  price;
private int increment, decrement, button;
private String[] ingredients;

public MenuObject(){}

public MenuObject(String image, String name, String[] ingredients, String price, int increment, String quantity, int decrement, int button){
    this.image = image; = name;
    this.ingredients = ingredients;
    this.price = price;
    this.increment = increment;
    this.quantity = quantity;
    this.decrement = decrement;
    this.button = button;

public String getImage() {
    return image;
public void setImage(String image) {
    this.image = image;

public String getName() {
    return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;

public String[] getIngredients() {
    return ingredients;
public void setIngredients(String[] ingredients) {
    this.ingredients = ingredients;

public String getPrice() {
    return price;
public void setPrice(String price) {
    this.price = price;

public String getQuantity() {
    return quantity;
public void setQuantity(String quantity) {
    this.quantity = quantity;

public int getDecrement() {
    return decrement;
public void setDecrement(int decrement) {
    this.decrement = decrement;

public int getIncrement() {
    return increment;
public void setIncrement(int increment) {
    this.increment = increment;

public int getButton() {
    return button;
public void setButton(int button) {
    this.button = button;




no suitable method found for setText(String[])
holder.ingredients.setText(currentMenuObject.getIngredients()); method TextView.setText(CharSequence) is not applicable (argument mismatch; String[] cannot be converted to CharSequence) method TextView.setText(int) is not applicable

我不知道如何在 onBindViewHolder 方法中管理字符串数组,或者是否需要更改类中的某些内容。


您无法将字符串数组设置为 TextView setText 方法。您必须附加数组中的字符串才能创建单个字符串。然后将其设置为您的 TextView


if(currentMenuObject.getIngredients() != null) {
       String str ="";
        StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
            for (String s : currentMenuObject.getIngredients()) {

    if (currentMenuObject.getIngredients().length > 0) {
        str.deleteCharAt(0); // remove first comma


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