java - 可以为减速度添加注释吗

标签 java hibernate hibernate-annotations

我们可以向减速度添加注释,而不是向 getter 方法添加注释吗?


   public Long getPartId() {
   return partId;


private Long partId;




是的,可以。参见2.2.2.2 of the Hibernate annotations documentation部分:

By default the access type of a class hierarchy is defined by the position of the @Id or @EmbeddedId annotations. If these annotations are on a field, then only fields are considered for persistence and the state is accessed via the field. If there annotations are on a getter, then only the getters are considered for persistence and the state is accessed via the getter/setter. That works well in practice and is the recommended approach.

因此,如果您将 @Id 放在某个字段上,那么 Hibernate 将查看该字段上的注释以获取其他属性。如果您将 @Id 放在 getter 上,那么 Hibernate 将查看其他 getter 上的注释。

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