java - 我如何使用java中的html解析器从DIV中获取数据

标签 java html html-parsing

我正在使用Java html解析器(link text)来尝试解析这一行。

<td class=t01 align=right><div id="OBJ123" name=""></div></td>




从文档中,您所要做的就是找到所有 DIV id 也为 OBJ123 的元素并取第一个结果的值。

NodeList nl = parser.parse(null); // you can also filter here

NodeList divs = nl.extractAllNodesThatMatch(
  new AndFilter(new TagNameFilter("DIV"), 
    new HasAttributeFilter("id", "OBJ123")));

if( divs.size() > 0 ) {
  Tag div = divs.elementAt(0);
  String text = div.getText(); // this is the text of the div

更新:如果您正在查看ajax url ,您可以使用类似的代码,例如:

// make some sort of constants for all the positions
const int OPEN_PRICE = 0;
const int HIGH_PRICE = 1;
const int LOW_PRICE = 2;
// ....

NodeList nl = parser.parse(null); // you can also filter here

NodeList values = nl.extractAllNodesThatMatch(
  new AndFilter(new TagNameFilter("TD"), 
    new HasAttributeFilter("class", "t1")));

if( values.size() > 0 ) {
  Tag openPrice = values.elementAt(OPEN_PRICE);
  String openPriceValue = openPrice.getText(); // this is the text of the div

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